Cake with prunes

Not all are prone to prunes, but everyone who respects this dried fruit will agree with us that the dishes with its presence are some of the most delicious and original. Not an exception to this pattern will be a cake with prunes, the recipes of which we will discuss in this article.

A recipe for honey cake with dried apricots and prunes


For biscuit:

For cream:

For filling and decorating:


For a biscuit eggs beat with sugar for about 5 minutes. In the saucepan, heat the honey until the boiling begins, after which add soda to it and carefully mix everything. As soon as the honey gets a caramel color - we remove the pan from the fire. Hot honey on a tablespoon is added to the eggs, constantly whipping the mixture. Now add the sifted flour and knead the dough. Pour the dough into 2 oiled forms and leave to bake at 170 degrees 25-28 minutes. Ready biscuits should be cooled and cut in half.

Now let's move on to the cream. Whip cream and mix with sour cream and sugar. Lubricate the cream with the first cake and sprinkle it with chopped prunes. Cover the layer of cream with the following cake and again cover it. On top put the third biscuit, cover it with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped dried apricots. We put the last cake and grease the whole cake with cream. We decorate the surface of the cake with chocolate and the remnants of dried fruits. Before serving, a festive honey cake with prunes should be soaked with a cream in the fridge for about 2-3 hours.

A recipe for a cake with prunes and nuts


For caramel sauce:


Dried fruits and nuts are poured with boiling water and add soda. Leave for 10 minutes, and then whisk with a blender until smooth. Mix flour and sugar, add butter, eggs and mix thoroughly again. Ready-made dough is poured into a baking dish and cooked in a preheated to 160 degree oven for 35-40 minutes. Let's cool down.

For the sauce, mix all the ingredients and cook them on low heat until the sugar dissolves. Finished syrup pour biscuit cake.

The recipe for the cake "Prunes in chocolate"


For cream:


The chopped prune is poured with armagnac and put on fire. Cook the dried fruit 10 minutes, leave completely cool. Chocolate and butter melt in a water bath.

Whisk egg yolks with sugar, add flour, salt, crushed nuts and mix everything thoroughly. Put to the mixture of prunes and pour out the remaining liquid.

Whisk the beans to hard peaks and gently add air mass to the dough. Pour the dough into a greased shape with a diameter of 20 cm and bake 30 minutes at 190 degrees. The finished cake should be completely cool.

Cream whisk and mix with the powdered sugar, add Armagnac and vanilla extract. A piece of chocolate cake with prunes spreads on a plate and sprinkled with cocoa powder, or powdered sugar, and next we put a serving of cream and serve it to the table.