Cake without eggs

Eggs serve as a binding element in any dish. It is thanks to the eggs that the baking keeps its shape and does not creep. However, if for some reason you do not want to eat eggs, we are ready to offer a lot of alternative dessert recipes without their participation.

Honey cake recipe without eggs


For the test:

For cream:


We start cooking with a dough: put a small saucepan on a water bath and put a piece of butter into it. We melt the butter and cover it with sugar. We stir until the sugar crystals dissolve completely, after which we add honey to the bowl and mix it to homogeneity. To honey weight we fall asleep a soda and we keep a saucepan over a bath, constantly mixing its contents.

The total amount of ingredients should increase 2-3 times, after which the pan can be removed from the bath and gradually add flour and sour cream. The cooled mixture is divided into 5-6 portions and rolled into balls. Each ball should stand in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, after which it can be rolled into a cake and put in the oven to brown for 4-5 minutes at 200 degrees.

Ready cakes impregnate sour cream from the sour cream itself, mixed with sugar (you can add vanilla to taste). Honey cake on sour cream without eggs should stand for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator, after which it can be served.

"Napoleon" - cake on yogurt without eggs


For the test:

For cream:


Soft butter (can be replaced with margarine), grind with flour into a crumb. Soda mixed with kefir and pour this mixture of flour crumb. Ready soft dough is divided into 6 parts and rolled them into balls. Each such ball is covered with a film and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

For cream, mix flour, sugar and milk until homogeneity and put on fire. Add the soft butter to the finished cream and knead it all with a spoon.

Balls from the dough are rolled into cakes and baked for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. We smear each cake with cream and leave the cake soaked in the fridge for 8-10 hours.

Vegetarian chocolate cake without eggs


For the test:

For glaze:


We sift the flour together with soda and cocoa powder. Add sugar to the mixture. Separately mix the oil with coffee and vanilla extract. Fill dry ingredients with the resulting liquid and mix. As soon as the dough becomes smooth and homogeneous, add vinegar to it. Pour the dough into a baking tray and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

For the glaze chocolate is melted in a microwave and mixed with hot water and vanilla extract. Lubricate the finished biscuit glaze and serve.

You can prepare a cottage cheese cake without eggs based on the same recipe. To do this, instead of glaze, mix the soft curd with sour cream and whisk with sugar powder until a thick cream is formed. The finished curd cream can be spread over the already cooled biscuit, or divide the biscuit itself into 2 layers and cover both layers with cream. In the latter case, the top of the cake can be smeared with chocolate glaze.