Dietology - proper nutrition

What is dietology?

Dietology is an applied science based on the principles of proper nutrition. Its practical manifestation is dietotulinaria, that is - cooking according to the norms of dietetics. Basically, the principles of dietetics apply to people who already suffer from a set of diseases (including obesity) or are trying to lose weight. But dietetics and proper nutrition are synonyms and no one will argue that our daily diet should be right, especially when in the treatment the most important factor is the diet.

Hippocrates is out of date, and Chinese medicine on horseback?

Even under Hippocrates it was believed that the cause of any disease is a disturbance of nutrition, and the way of treatment is to pick a balanced diet at different stages of the disease. Over time, the concept of dietetics as a therapeutic diet has disappeared and now in the event of anything, we run to the pharmacy for antibiotics . Indeed, a person who is accustomed not to pay due attention to food, it is much easier to take the medicine and "get rid" of the disease.

In turn, the concept of Chinese dietetics is not outdated to this day. Teaching is based on the fact that the body needs to supply the right food, in the right amount. All food products are classified as five elements: water, fire, earth, metal, wind. And these categories are made according to the properties of the products: sweet, sour, bitter, hot, cold. In the Chinese diet there is nothing harmful and superfluous, it is just necessary to determine what kind of product category is necessary for a particular disease, and with what it's worth taking a break.

Power supply errors

Modern dietology is based on the fact that people should correct a number of errors in their diet and thus their weight and health will be restored. Let's not dissemble that people are very often irresponsible. The majority, before the onset of disease, is only interested in dietology for weight reduction. And to this concept we refer all the debilitating diets found in different sources. Scientists have proved that such diets only give the effect of losing weight for a while, because the organism, feeling fear of starving, goes into the "economy" mode, slowing down the metabolic processes. This leads to the fact that when we return to the normal consumption of calories, the fat is postponed faster - "in reserve." Do not deceive yourself with temporary results. You need to understand that you can lose weight or get rid of excess fat deposits, which are harmful for the normal functioning of the body, can only be rearranged your lifestyle.

So, let's walk with you on the basics of dietetics, which everyone probably heard, but the following adhere to these postulates:

  1. Consumption of calories exceeding our daily costs leads to overweight.
  2. Rapid carbohydrates (sugar, honey, confectionery, carbonated water) disrupt the production of insulin, as a result, the process of processing fats is also violated.
  3. Excessive consumption of cholesterol (butter, animal by-products), as well as animal fats. They must be replaced by polyunsaturated (vegetable oil, fatty fish) and monounsaturated fats (olive, peanut butter).
  4. Violation of the regime of the day. There is a need at the same time, do not arrange the body "hunger strikes", and then break away on too large portions. Do not eat at night and be sure to have breakfast with something warm.
  5. Lack of fiber leads to disruption of intestinal peristalsis. In the end, we get constipation. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits.
  6. Compliance with the proportions in the daily menu: fats - 30%, carbohydrates - 50%, proteins - 20%

If you follow the rules of dietetics, then there will be no need to exhaust yourself with mentally and physically strict diets. Yes, you will not lose 20 kg per week. But is such a momentary effect of your health worth it?