Plot for harvest in the garden

Since ancient times, agriculture has played an important role in human life, since the products of plant origin were the basis of the diet . That's why people performed different rituals for a rich harvest.

Prayers and conspiracies for a good harvest

There are many rituals that help not only to preserve the crop, but also to increase its number, protect it from pests, etc. For example, if a person is going to go to the garden for a landing, then it's worth stepping with the right foot to the left and saying:

"I will give the land to the land, but the land will be given to me. And no one to me in this will not hurt. Amen".

When the garden is planted with different plants, you need to say such a conspiracy :

"Mother, Holy Moon, you are tall and strong. You sit high, you are far away, you are wide. As you are, immense and strong, that was my harvest. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After the seedlings are planted and the seeds are sown, it is necessary to tell the conspiracy that the harvest should be better than usual:

"Grow, bloom, pour, be braised, give glory to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother!"

These words are recommended to be repeated during watering or harvesting of weeds, while each plant should be crossed. You need to talk in a whisper. After all the work is done, it is worthwhile to cross the whole garden and loudly repeat the plot.

Another plot for a good harvest in the garden should be pronounced in the evening in clear weather, when the stars are clearly visible in the sky. You should go to the site and go around it crosswise, saying:

"The earth has given birth, the earth has rewarded, the earth has enriched, the Mother of God, preserve. Amen".

As you know, an evil look, thoughts and even more words can cause significant harm, and everything planted on the site will simply deteriorate. In this case there is a way out - a conspiracy to protect the harvest in the garden. For the ritual, you need to take the old wheel from the cart, burn it on the site and say these words:

"Burn with ashes, fall ashes, and you, mother earth, breed the breed. Amen".

On Thursday, at the gate near the house, you should drive a stake into the ground and say a plot:

"I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save me, save my land from every malicious word, every malicious glance. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The rules that must be observed in order to be good harvest:

  1. During planting, dropping each seed in the hole, it is important to say these words: "Grow, do not be bad, let there be a good harvest."
  2. Do it better all alone, so that no one has seen.
  3. During the planting of the garden, no one should borrow.
  4. Planting and planting plants is only necessary on women's days of the week: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  5. Plant plants, which will be used for food ground portion, that is, cabbage, greens, tomatoes and others are needed only with the growing Moon.
  6. When plants with edible roots are planted: carrots, garlic, onions, there should be a waning moon.