Privorot on food

Many people know a fairy tale about Snow White and 7 gnomes, in which an evil witch spoke an apple. Today, the love spell is common enough.

It is believed that this version of the spell is weak enough and has a delicate effect on a person. Most often it is used to strengthen feelings already in existing relationships. It is recommended to make love spell on food regularly.

What do you need for the ritual?

It is very important to be sure of the success of the spell, that is, that it will certainly give the desired result. For a conspiracy, you can choose any dish, be it borsch or tea, the main thing that a man ate it with pleasure.

How to spend a strong love spell on food?

There are many variants of love spells, but now we will consider the ritual on the apple. For a love spell you need a ripe fruit of red color, which must be thoroughly washed. Buy it better not in the store, but from farmers or the grandmother on the market.

A guy's spirits for food should be done after sunset. For him, you will also need a candle to be lit. Next, take the apple and circle them 3 times around the candle clockwise, just do not burn the fruit. Next, take the apple in your right hand, attach it to your stomach (associated with passion) and say:

"Passion, from me go, through the apple into the beloved (name) enter."

Next, bring the fruit to the chest (associated with the feelings of love) and say the following:

"My love, cross over from me, through an apple into your lover (name) enter."

The last part of the body to which you need to bring an apple - the forehead (associated with thoughts), at this time, say this:

"My thoughts, go from me, through the apple into your lover (name) enter. May it be so".

It is better to give the conjured up apple right away on this day to the man.

Privorot on food consequences

You can have signs of poisoning, a headache, an allergy , etc. In addition to these side effects, much more serious negative consequences at the psychological level may appear.