Red thread on the wrist - how to tie it?

In the modern world, the red thread on the wrist is the most popular guard against spoiling and various negatives. It was used in ancient times. To wear an amulet is on the left hand, which is considered to be the host. To really protect the thread from evil, it is necessary to tie it correctly.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist?

It should be said at once that the red thread is not easy to protect, because tying it to a person, gives some consent to the fact that it will not spread the negative to others, that is, criticism, discussions, quarrels , etc. are excluded. If you do not comply with these conditions, then you should not rely on the amulet to help you.

How to tie a red string on your wrist? Independently fix the amulet on the hand in any case impossible. It should be done by a close relative or, in case of emergency, a friend. It is important that the chosen person is sincere and does not want evil.

The thread is tied to seven knots, then the ends are cut off and cauterized. During this it is recommended to read any prayer or plot.

It is believed that the red wool thread on the wrist can only be tied up for a while, and then, the amulet should be replaced. The thing is that negative energy is concentrated in the thread.

How to tie a red string on your wrist - a ritual

To have a powerful talent powerful energy, you can read a plot on it. It is believed that the amulet will work for about 3 months, and after this period, replace the thread, again carrying out the ritual.

To start the ceremony you need to be alone for 12-15 lunar days. Sit at the table and light three church candles in front of you. Clamp the thread in a fist and lead them over the flame of each candle three times. You need to move clockwise. Over each candle say such a conspiracy:

"As you are sanctified by fire, so I am protected from evil eye and spoilage. Do not become a victim of the unclean, do not fall to me a word of bad. Amen".

After that, the amulet can be used.