Goddess Tara

The goddess Tara was known in the mythology and religion of different nations, which is why there is still no exact information about where and when this image first appeared. The most common assumption indicates that this happened in India in the I century BC. e. They considered this goddess to be the patroness of all life on earth.

Goddess Tara from the Slavs

Called her still the guardian of forests and sacred trees: oak, birch and ash. Tara was the patroness of women, she gave them knowledge and defended during life. Called this goddess Vechnoprekrasnoy, because it was impossible to compare with anything. Tara was portrayed as a young girl with brown eyes and a long long braid woven from dark hair. As for clothes, it was an ordinary white sarafan with embroidery of red and gold thread. In her hair was a birch-tree - an element of the wardrobe of the Ancient Slavs. She is presented with gifts and trebs. The fire altar is sent seeds and grains, so that the harvest was rich. They celebrated a holiday in honor of Tara, during which a joint meal, service and feast took place. People cooked different dishes and brought them to a common table. Before starting the meal, people took from each dish a little and sacrificed Tara.

Goddess Tara in Buddhism

According to the legends, Tara emerged from the tears of the Most Merciful Lord when he mourned the suffering of people. A tear dropped to the ground, and in this place grew a lotus, from where the beautiful goddess came. Through Tara, one can trace the similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism. For the Buddhists, this goddess was considered responsible for the creation, preservation and destruction of the world. In India, the goddess Tara, depending on the traditions, could have different forms, arranged in a certain sequence. All of them differed in skin color, body position and facial expression. In the center was most often Green Tara, which was the guardian of wisdom.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the goddess Tara is called to call in the moment of difficult situations, when you do not know which way to choose in life. It should also be said that it has the opposite negative form - Ugra. Outwardly it resembles a dark storm cloud. Tara is also considered a female symbol of OM - vibration, with the help of which one can go beyond its manifestation. There is information that if you just sing this sound, then this is a certain worship of Tara. Listening to the vibration of the mantra, any person can ask the goddess for help and protection. A more complete mantra sounds like this: