How to call Slender?

A slender is a ghost of a new generation or as many consider an intrenet meme. They call him a Thin Man, but all because of his tall stature and fine figure. The distinctive features of this creature include long arms, able to turn into tentacles, pallor, lack of facial features. He is dressed in a classic black suit, white shirt and red tie. Despite the fact that the image is fictitious, with every day there are more pictures confirming the existence of a Thin person.

How to call Slender?

At the moment, there is no possibility of 100% confirmation that there is a Thin person, but despite this, there are several ways to call him. The ritual must be performed at night, when all the inhabitants are asleep, and nothing will interfere. Take 5 sheets of paper, a pencil, a flashlight, a deck of cards, glue, a thin tape and a bandage over your eyes. It is important to call the Manman Slender in a multi-storey house, as this is a significant part of the ritual . Climb to the top floor of the building, but not to the roof. Make sure that no one walks, turn on the flashlight and lay out the paper on the floor. In turn, on each sheet, according to the numbering, carry out certain actions:

  1. Draw a tree, do not try to create a masterpiece, the main thing is to make it clear.
  2. Draw a person's face, be sure to have a nose, 2 eyes and a mouth.
  3. Use glue to attach any card of the peak suit. It is best to choose a jack.
  4. Try to portray yourself. If you draw badly, do not worry, the main thing is that there is a certain sign in the picture. For example, before calling up the Slender, put on red beads or a hat and be sure to indicate it in the picture. This is important in order for a Thin person to distinguish the caller.
  5. Draw the house where the ritual is performed. Please note that the number of floors must necessarily coincide.

Now, according to the numbering of the sheets, hang them on the appropriate floors. Then take the elevator to the top floor and sit in silence for about 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, go down again on the elevator and check the status of the images. On the leaf with the tree must appear the gallows. The face, pictured on the second sheet, should disappear eyes, mouth and nose. The peak map can remain unchanged or it will be replaced, or dirty. The sheet with the portrait should disappear, because it will be taken with a thin man. In the last drawing of the house there should be a note, where exactly is the Slenderman. If it is located on the 5th floor, do not turn around in any case. Seeing the mark on the other floor, you can be sure that the Thin person wants to be run for.

How to call Slender in the afternoon?

This ritual can be performed not only during the day, but also at night. It is important that the room is quiet and nothing is distracting. In the bathroom in the dark, stand in front of the mirror and do not move for at least 5 minutes. After the black marker, draw on the mirror the exact picture "NO EYES". Then light a match and bring it to the mirror, there must appear an image of the Slenderman. If the match is not lit, then the Thin person does not want to make contact.

How to call Slender on the street?

Another ritual that is common in the network. It is necessary to conduct it near the forest, since it is this favorite place of the Subtle Man. To begin the ceremony, take a piece of black cloth, similar to the suit of Slender. Go out into the street, put the cloth on the ground, stand on your knees and say:

"Slenderman, come!"

Repeat the phrase several times. Then immediately go home. Stand at the window and see what happened. If the ritual is successful, then Thin man should appear. Calling Slender in the forest is better with other people, as this will be extra insurance and support.