How to master magic?

The view that only the chosen ones can become mages is wrong and, if desired and intensified, one can reach certain heights. Thanks to supernatural abilities a person can improve his life, move up the career ladder, strengthen health, etc.

Is it possible to master magic?

To develop a magical ability in yourself will need to work hard, and develop the power of thought and imagination . To start learning is necessary after purifying both the physical and the spiritual body from vices. It is important that only a baptized person can practice white magic.

How to master white magic:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to realize the purpose of magical powers. During the week, every day before going to bed and after awakening, remember that you decided to become a white magician.
  2. Then you need to analyze your life, find flaws and defects in it, for example, you can write them on a sheet of paper. All the recorded must be learned by heart. After the ritual of deliverance is conducted. To do this, take a large sheet of paper and draw in the center a black circle, the size of which should be with a coin. They sit down on a chair at the table and, without taking their eyes off the black dot, say: "With the help of higher intelligence and by my own will, I expel my vices: (list previously learned words). Instead, I receive God's protection, love for all of humanity. My vices go away, my faith, my will, my inner strength . "

To conduct such a ritual is necessary every day for 3 weeks.

After this, you can begin to study various rituals and rituals. It starts with the simplest options.

Mastering magic can be done with the help of a mentor, since an experienced person will guide the new unknown world. To get close to God and get his consent to the occupation of magic should pray daily, while it is important not to be distracted by anything. It is impossible to master magic, not having learned to concentrate, as this is an important component of success . To develop this skill, you can learn to concentrate, for example, on the flame of a candle. You need to free your mind of other thoughts, not to be distracted by anything and look only at the object. Then move on to other objects, improving their skills.

Many are interested in how to master black magic and, first of all, various spells. First you have to learn all the basics of white magic, since this is the basis of everything. In addition, it must be remembered that various evil eye and curses can have negative consequences, so you will have to make various protective amulets, as well as learn how to put an astral unit.