17 subjects on which there are more microbes than it seems

Regular cleaning is important not only to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the room, but also for health. There are items that are rarely cleaned, but there is a huge number of microbes on them.

Many are convinced that the dirtiest objects are a toilet bowl and a trash can, but studies have proved that this opinion is deceptive. Around there is a huge amount of things that people use regularly, but they are rarely cleaned. We propose to conduct an inspection and find out which items should be included in the cleaning to get rid of dangerous concentrations of bacteria and microbes.

1. Door handles and switches

Many are shocked by the information that by the number of microbes these places in the house can compete with the rug under the door. They are touched by people during the day several times, leaving pollution.

What to do? When planning cleaning, it is recommended to start it with disinfection of door handles and switches. To do this, use special agents or alcohol solution.

2. Smartphone screen

Polls showed that people wipe the screen of their phone only if it has glare, which interferes with the normal viewing of the image. However, few people think about how much dirt it accumulates, because we use the smartphone in different places, and the screen contacts not only with the fingers, but with the cheek and ear. As a result, it can lead to rashes and irritations.

What to do? Experts recommend regularly wiping the smartphone with an antibacterial napkin. To clean the headphone and speaker connectors, use cotton swabs or toothpicks. They should be moistened beforehand in an antibacterial solution.

3. Dishwasher

If the technique is good for cleaning dishes, this does not mean that it is clean. In fact, on the grids and grids there are particles of food and other dirt. Given the moist warm environment, it is not surprising that the number of microbes is growing rapidly. As a result, the dishes can be cleaned of food debris, but there will be germs on it.

What to do? After each use of the dishwasher, wipe it with a dry cloth. For more thorough care, it is important to remove food residues, paying special attention to the drain hole. After you take a small plate, pour in soda and pour vinegar. Start the machine for a full cycle. As a result, the machine will be cleared of germs and an unpleasant smell.

4. Chopping boards

The top five dirtiest things in the house include cutting boards, the concentration of bacteria on which is 200 times more than on the toilet seat. To protect yourself from the emergence of various health problems, they need to be properly taken care of.

What to do? Buy several boards for cutting different products: fish, meat, vegetables and bread. As for the material from which they are made, it is better to choose plastic or metal instead of wood. In addition, regularly clean the boards, washing them with a solution of baking soda or wine vinegar.

5. Plastic cards

More and more people replace money with cards, which are used for calculation in different places. In addition, there is a large number of discount cards, travel by metro and so on. If you had the opportunity to view the surface of your cards under a microscope, the picture you saw would clearly shock.

What to do? Pass for your cards a simple procedure - treat the surface with a disinfectant, avoiding getting it on the magnetic tape. It can be wiped with an ordinary school eraser.

6. Sports Accessories

For home training, different subjects are used: a rug, dumbbells, sporting elastic bands, wristbands and so on. All of them during the classes absorb sweat, particles of fat from the skin and so on. In addition, they are on the floor and receive additional pollution.

What to do? Dumbbells and rubbers wipe with alcohol solution. As for the rug, it should be soaked with a soap solution, and then wipe with a clean cloth to get rid of the soap residue, and leave to dry.

7. Curtain in the shower

When cleaning, many people thoroughly wash the floor, tiles and plumbing, forgetting about such an object as a shower curtain, although there is a huge number of microbes on it.

What to do? If the curtain is made of fabric, then it is recommended to wash it or, in extreme cases, wipe it with a solution of ammonia.

8. Sports bags

From the habit come from training and send the form to the laundry, and the bag remains untouched? Try to remember when the last time she was cleaned. The bag accumulates microbes, bacteria, unpleasant smells and dust, which will pollute all things.

What to do? If the bags are rags, then they can be washed in a washing machine, but if the product does not allow rough exposure, then simply wipe it with a damp cloth using a disinfectant.

9. The bed

Scientists call the bed "a place for a comfortable life of microbes." During sleep, skin peeling occurs, and its particles remain on the bed, and it is not necessary to forget about sweat, which creates ideal conditions for the propagation of infectious agents.

What to do? Mandatory refuel the bed, protecting bed linens from dust and various debris. Do not lie down on her clothes, coming from the street, and before going to bed, take a shower. Change of bed linen is recommended at least once a week, but two are better.

10. Keys

Have you ever cleared your keys? If you ask this question on the streets to different people, most of the answers will be negative. Now think how many times these same keys have fallen on the street, in the entrance and in other places, clinging to themselves various garbage.

What to do? Of course, you can wash the keys in a soapy solution, but there is a more effective way that will not promote the formation of rust on the metal and will more effectively cope with the bacteria. Mix the lemon juice and salt and get the mixture on the surface of the keys, and then wipe them dry. Do such cleaning regularly.

11. Wallet and money

Scientists have conducted research and received shocking results: it turned out that for 1 square. see banknotes account for 300 thousand microbes. Throughout his life, a banknote can be in the hands of hundreds or even thousands of different people, so on its surface may be pathogens of various diseases and even helminths. All of them go to the purse in which money is stored.

What to do? Keep money away from things, for example, many like to store them in a drawer with underwear or linens. Do not leave bills on the table, shelves and so on. After each contact, try to wash or wipe your hands with disinfectant wipes. The place where money is stored, from time to time, wipe with antiseptic napkins.

12. Tray for washing powder

As in the case of a dishwasher, bacteria can accumulate in this technique. For example, mold trays can form in the powder trays, which not only looks unaesthetic, but can also cause harm to health.

What to do? After each wash, leave the powder tray open to allow it to dry completely. In addition, once a month, it is recommended to remove the tray and wash it under the tap. Hard-to-reach places can be cleaned using a toothbrush.

13. The keyboard

In most cases, people clean the keyboard when it stops working properly or is clearly contaminated. Regularly between the keys is clogged with dust, food crumbs, animal hair and skin fat. If a person works outside the house, the amount of dirt will increase. As a result, during the work on the hands will be constantly bacteria.

What to do? You can remove crumbs with a brush, or better - a vacuum cleaner. In computer stores, you can buy compressed air cylinders that have a long nose and can easily remove dirt even in hard-to-reach places. The surface of the keyboard can be wiped with an alcoholic napkin or special means and a rag. For more thorough cleaning, you can remove the keys and wash them in a soap solution outside and inside.

14. Handles of trolleys in a supermarket

Experiments have shown that the handles of grocery carts and baskets are included in the TOP of the most polluted places. This is explained simply: every day it is touched by a huge number of people whose health no one knows. As a result, going to the store can cause rashes, rhinitis, poisoning and so on.

What to do? Although this may look strange from the outside, but to somehow protect yourself, before you take the cart, wipe the handle with an antibacterial napkin. When you come home, the first thing you need to do is wash your hands. It is not recommended to put children in carts, as they will be in close contact with numerous microbes.

15. Sponges and brushes for washing dishes

Every day to remove grease and other contaminants from the dishes using different sponges and brushes, the porous structure of which takes numerous bacteria. It is a mistake to believe that constant contact with detergents and hot water eliminates contamination. As a result, with time, the number of bacteria only increases, and the sponge becomes hazardous to health.

What to do? An affordable and simple way to clean germs - the sponge needs to be heated in a microwave for a minute. As for brushes, they can be cleaned using a mixture of vinegar and detergent.

16. Brushes and makeup sponges

Cosmetologists have long been urging people not to share cosmetics, because these are purely individual things. Professional make-up artists have special tools that they use to care for brushes in order to remove the remains of cosmetics from them. At the same time in the pile are the skin particles, the secretion of the sebaceous glands, various infections and microbes that can be transferred to healthy skin, causing inflammation.

What to do? To properly care for the skin, it is recommended after every use to wipe the sponges and brushes with a make-up remover or you can buy special brushes. Once a week it will be useful to carry out more thorough care. You will need to wash in a special solution, for which mix baby shampoo, olive oil and water. Wet the brushes in it and rub the bristles on the palm until the foam becomes clean.

17. Toothbrush

Terrible is the fact, but the mouth is a dirtier part of the body than the hands. Millions of bacteria inhabit the oral cavity, and they enter it through food, inhaled air and due to many bad habits, for example, many like to open the package with their mouths. Plaque and food particles removed from the mouth remain on the brush, which becomes a hotbed of bacteria. They extend to the glass or stand in which it is located.

What to do? Doctors recommend changing the toothbrush every two months. It must be stored exclusively in an upright position, so that all water can flow from it. To clean the brush, it is recommended to lower it every two days in a mouthwash or for a couple of minutes - in boiling water. The brush rack is regularly washed in boiling water, and for disinfection, it can be washed with a solution of soda (0.5 tbs hot water and 1 tsp soda).