Thursday salt - what is it and how to use it?

The people know many traditions and superstitions connected with different church holidays. On Pure Thursday you can make salt, which can be used for a whole year to get rid of various problems, attracting luck and searching for love. It is important to prepare it properly and use it in the future.

What is the Thursday salt?

The embodiment of the basic life attributes: salt and living fire is the salt of Thursday . Her since ancient times, people are harvested on Pure Thursday, and it is believed that she has a huge power that can work miracles. Many people are interested in what is needed for Thursday salt, and so often it is used in folk medicine to get rid of various diseases. It has protective properties. They prepare salt for the holiday, and its strength will last the whole year.

Thursday salt is good and bad

Experiments conducted by scientists have shown that on the physical plane the salt contains not so much heavy metals and chlorine than the usual cookery. They could not explain such changes. After the ritual, the salt changes its energy potential, which significantly increases. There is a list of what is useful for Thursday salt:

  1. Helps to cleanse the body of various diseases and the soul from evil eye and spoilage. When salt is added to food, many diseases can be prevented.
  2. Women used it to improve their appearance and skin condition. For this purpose, you just need to wash with salt solution.
  3. It is believed that the Thursday salt is a powerful amulet that protects a person from the actions of enemies and various kinds of troubles. You can use it to protect your home.
  4. In ancient times, people performed rituals aimed at improving yields.

This is only a small list of useful properties, which has a salt of salt. As for the possible harm, it is considered that it is simply not capable of it, since it is being harvested in an important church holiday with clean energy. In addition, it is important to use salt in moderation, otherwise it is very dangerous for health.

Thursday salt - how to cook?

There is a huge number of rites aimed at creating magical salt, and the most common is the following:

  1. In a conventional cast-iron frying pan, pour a pack of table salt of the largest floor and add 12 tablespoons of rye flour. Put it on a small fire and tell the plot three times.
  2. Continue to calcine the salt before the flour turns black. It is important to stir all clockwise with a wooden spoon during this.
  3. Can cool the salt in the oven or on the stove, where it should stay until midnight.

Another important point to pay attention to is how to store Thursday salt, so after midnight it should be poured into a bag, which must be made of natural matter. Be sure to tie it tight. It is important that it is in a secret place, so that no one else knows about its existence. Thursday salt can not be stored in a place where there are rusty objects, garbage, food waste and dirt.

Thursday salt - application

Use the prepared salt to solve different problems and improve your life. Thursday salt in magic helps in such situations:

  1. If there was a disaster in the house, then it is necessary to pour it into every corner of your home.
  2. In situations where the husband and his wife quarreled, then I put the pouch with the quartet of salt under the pillow.
  3. For the children to be healthy, throw a little salt in the bath while bathing.
  4. To attract abundance to the house, it is recommended to pour it into a salt-cellar made of wood, put it on a dining table and use it for its intended purpose.
  5. The salt of salt will help in a situation if the domestic animal becomes ill, so a pinch should be added to the water or to give the animal salty bread.
  6. During Easter, she consecrated the consecrated eggs.
  7. If a person with bad intentions has come into the house, then it is necessary to add Thursday salt to him for food.
  8. In Siberia, it was mixed with ash and added to the grain before it was sown. You can use brine, which is recommended to water the beds before planting vegetables.
  9. To protect a traveler or a soldier in antiquity, it was sewn into an incense, which was worn on the chest near the cross.

Thursday salt from diseases

Prepared salt by salt is used to treat various diseases since ancient times. There are several ways how you can apply it for recovery.

  1. Thursday salt with herbs helps in the treatment of stomach problems. You can add various aromatic plants, for example, mint, thyme and others. To improve your health, you need to take salt from the tip of the knife every day after breakfast and dissolve it in your tongue. It is recommended to conduct such manipulations within two months.
  2. Eruptions on the body can be removed by taking medicinal baths, for which one liter of a spoonful of Thursday salt is needed per liter of water. The resulting brine solution is poured into the bath and take it. To see progress, you need to do three procedures.
  3. To improve the health of a sick person, take a plain white sheet, put a pinch of salt on it, and then wet it. Cover the patient's sheet for a while.

Thursday salt for home protection

There is a simple but powerful magical ritual that helps cleanse the house of a possible negative and put protection on it. If you are interested in what helps the salt of salt, then it is important to know that it protects against thieves, curses and various cataclysms.

  1. First, do a house cleaning in the house, light the stove and heat the salt on a small fire in a frying pan. While it is heated, it will absorb the existing negative from the surrounding space.
  2. Light a candle of black color and walk with it throughout the apartment or house. It's important to stop for a couple of seconds in each corner. At this time it is worthwhile to imagine how the candle flame removes the negative.
  3. Then put a candle in the salt of Thursday and leave it to completely burn. If there is a crack, then the negative of the surrounding space is destroyed.
  4. Take a red candle and a frying pan with salt and cinder, and go to the street. In a deserted place, bury a frying pan, and then, light a candle and go home. During this, imagine how a protective shell is created around the house. With a candle you need to go through all the rooms, as it was done with a black one. At the conclusion of the ritual, be sure to ventilate the room.

Thursday salt for weight loss

Women since ancient times used salt, spelled on Clean Thursday , in order to throw off excess weight. The thing is that it is considered a natural sorbent, which helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances. With its help, you can cope with constipation and improve metabolism . To feel the declared benefit, you just need to add it to your food. Finding out what is used for Thursday salt, it is worth noting that it helps to forget cellulite, for which it should be placed in healing baths.

Thursday salt from alcoholism

Among people, alcohol dependence is very common, getting rid of it is very difficult. To date, a large number of rituals are known to combat this devastating problem. It helps with alcoholism, the salt of salt, which is sprinkled on the alcoholic during the time when he sleeps. It is important that it gets on the head, chest and legs. At the same time, say the plot. Do not tell anyone about the ritual.

Thursday salt from spoilage

The huge energy of salt helps to get rid of the existing evil eye, and the ritual does not need the help of other people.

  1. In 1 liter of key water or use liquid from a tap, but you need to dial it after midnight.
  2. It dissolves the salt of Thursday from the evil eye in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  3. The prepared solution should be drunk within half an hour, otherwise it will lose its magical power.
  4. If after eating a saline solution there was vomiting or upset stomach , then the body began to clear from the negative. The ritual must be repeated every day until all the unpleasant consequences disappear.

Thursday salt for money

You can use the salt in order to improve your financial situation and bring prosperity to life. It should be said that the Thursday salt for wealth is not a wand and it will only help create important situations, and a person should decide whether to use them or not. After pure salt is prepared on Thursday, it is necessary to sprinkle money on it, while uttering a special conspiracy.

Thursday salt for love

Enormous energy, which is endowed with salt of salt, can be used by lonely people in order to change the situation in their personal lives and meet their soul mate. If you are interested in what to do with the salt of Thursday to attract love, then use a simple ritual.

  1. Take the paper and write your favorite male name, and then describe the appearance of the future elect, describing every detail. To specify it is necessary and features of character which should be inherent in the beloved.
  2. After that, fold the paper in an envelope, pour a little prepared salt and place it under the pillow.
  3. The next day, the envelope should be transferred to a box with underwear. If everything was done correctly, then soon there will be a meeting with a worthy man.

Thursday salt from enemies

Properly prepared and conjured salt has great magical abilities and it can be used as a powerful amulet that can help out in different and dangerous situations. It helps protect against attacks and intrigues of enemies that can cause significant harm. It is important to know what to do with the salt of Thursday, and so this amulet should be poured into a small-sized linen bag and always carry with you.

Thursday salt - Orthodoxy

Many are interested in the fact that the healing salt has a connection with the church. To understand this topic, it is necessary to turn to clergymen who claim that the ideas about the magical properties of salt are pagan superstitions that arose in ancient times. There is a rite that it must be consecrated in the church, but this is not true and such rituals are not held in the temples.

Thursday salt in Orthodoxy does not matter. The thing is that people associated with a huge number of ancient customs, customs and rituals with church holidays, but they do not have any attitude toward believing in the Lord. Summing up, concerning what the church says about the Thursday salt, so here it is with the true traditions of Orthodoxy has nothing to do.