Neck Tattoo for Girls

Today the tattoo is no longer considered a distinctive feature of belonging to any social group and is equally common among both men and women. Neck tattoos for girls are the most popular place for drawing, since if desired, it can easily be hidden under hair or, for example, a scarf.

Tattoo on the back of the neck - barcode

After the translation of the film Hitman, the image in question became a real trend in the field of tattoos. And the meaning, put in a set of vertical bands, can be very diverse:

In the latter case, the barcode is a kind of reminder and caution about the mass views of the individual as to the subject of trade, the goods.

Tattoo on the neck - inscriptions

Choosing a similar pattern, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

Often girls make tattoos in their youth and do not think too much about how important the chosen phrase for them will remain in maturity. Therefore, it is recommended to use as a sketch inscriptions that dictate eternal values ​​- love, friendship, fidelity to principles.

Tattoo of a star on the neck

This type of image has different values ​​depending on the number of rays.

So, the familiar five-pointed star is more common among the punk community as a symbol of enduring youth and freedom from social prejudices. Although some people do not adhere to such views, they fill the picture as an ornament. It is worth noting that sometimes a five-pointed star is found on the wrist , forearm of servicemen, often in black and white or monochrome.

The star with four rays, reminiscent of the image of the compass, is considered a symbol of the guidebook and is popular with travelers. It is designed for mental and spiritual protection of a person from any dangers that may arise on the road.

The hexagonal star, as a rule, carries a religious semantic load. To apply it became relatively recently, as earlier to fill the star of David was perceived as blasphemy and blasphemy.

Crown tattoo on the neck - value

The described pattern of values ​​has a lot:

In addition to the above things, girls invest their own meaning in the crown. That's why it's very important to consult the tattoo master before the final selection. After all, such seemingly insignificant details as the presence of precious stones, laurel leaves, roses or a cross together with the image of the crown can radically change the semantic load of the picture.

Tattoo swallow on the neck

In different cultures, this small bird has long been revered as a sacred creature that has otherworldly connections with the gods and the world of the dead. In addition, her image on the body embodies the following values:

The latter meaning is related to the biblical legend of the ark. According to her, after a worldwide flood Noah daily let out a swallow to find out if there was an island of land on the Earth. It was this bird that once brought him a small branch of the tree as a sign that God's wrath against the people had passed.