Tincture of ginger for weight loss

Ginger is especially popular in the east, although the West has recently become very interested in this spice. Since ancient times this plant has been respected for its medicinal properties: it is able to effectively combat colds, infertility, impotence, asthma, liver diseases and quickly puts people on their feet in many diseases. It can be used in cooking absolutely any dishes, desserts and drinks. Among the healing properties of this plant, it is also interesting that you can lose weight with the help of ginger by making a special tincture from it, which we now tell you about

Ginger tincture for weight loss

The easiest way to get a ginger tincture is to add a few "chips" of fresh ginger root to the brewer with green or black tea. Such a drink lasts only 20 minutes. Take it costs half a glass 20 minutes before each meal. In addition, they can replace the dinner or snack during the day.

Tincture from the root of ginger and lemon

A stronger and spicier drink is a tincture of ginger and lemon. Rub on a shallow grater ginger root - about 2 tablespoons in finished form. Put the raw material in a liter jar and pour juice of one lemon and boiling water. When the drink is infused under the lid for an hour, put a tablespoon of honey there.

Take this drink every day for a month three times a day, 30 minutes before eating a half cup. In the future, when the body gets used, you can increase the dose to 1 glass for each reception.

How to make a strong tincture of ginger?

With obesity or a lot of excess weight, you need a special recipe. However, in how to make a tincture of ginger and garlic, there is no special wisdom: take 4 cm of ginger root and 2-3 cloves of garlic. All finely chop the plates, put in a saucepan or jar and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Cover and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain the mixture and take half an hour before eating one glass a month. You can spend 2-3 of this course per year.

Alcoholic tincture of ginger

This infusion will be stored for a rather long time and will be spent economically: it is taken twice a day before meals by a teaspoon, diluted with a quarter of a glass of water. The recipe itself is quite simple: 400 g of ginger root, put in a clean, dry glass container and fill with a liter of vodka. Infusion close and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. At this time, you need to remember to shake it every two days. After two weeks, the infusion should be carefully filtered and poured into a convenient storage container.