Blisters on the hands

Blisters on the hands and fingers - a fairly common phenomenon, which almost every person came across at least once. The blisters can suddenly and suddenly disappear without a trace, and there are many reasons for their appearance. Let's consider the most probable and widespread reasons of formation of blisters on hands.

What is a blister?

The blister is a dense, bespaceless formation on the skin, resulting from the local limited edema of the upper layers of the skin. The appearance of this edema is associated with spasm or paralytic state of the vessels.

The shape of these elements is round or irregular, the size can be different - from the size of a pea to a palm-sized surface. Sometimes a few blisters merge, forming a single space.

Blisters often have a pale pinkish or white color, in some cases they may be surrounded by a pink bezel. The appearance of blisters, as a rule, is accompanied by burning or itching.

It is worth noting that, contrary to the widespread erroneous opinion, the blisters arising after burns and various physical stimuli are not blisters.

The causes of blisters on the hands

Blisters on hands arise as a reaction of the organism to the action of various endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors. They can also be a symptom of some infectious diseases.

The most common causes of blisters:

Consider some diseases in which blisters appear.

Dyshidrosis of the hands

Dermatological disease, which is manifested by the appearance of numerous small water blisters on the hands - palms and fingers, which itch and cause a lot of uncomfortable sensations. There is an opinion that the disease is associated with blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. According to other assumptions, the reason lies in the inadequacy of the body as a whole, is associated with problems in the digestive, endocrine or nervous system, with immune deficiency. It is dangerous to have a secondary infection when combing itchy blisters.

Bullous pemphigoid

Dermatosis, which is most common in the elderly and is characterized by the appearance on the extremities (most often) blisters. Blisters that appear on the hands, itch and are in a stressed state. These formations are irregular, sometimes bizarre, and the skin beneath them turns red. This disease belongs to the autoimmune.

Duhring's herpetiform dermatitis

The defeat of the skin, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of polymorphous rashes, including small blisters on the hands and other parts of the body. Most often, with localization on the upper limbs, the formations are located on the extensor surfaces and shoulders, their appearance is accompanied by severe itching, a burning sensation and tingling sensations. The exact causes of the disease are not clear.


Skin disease of an allergic nature, in which suddenly on the skin there are very itchy blisters of pale pink color, which after a few hours, as a rule, disappear. As an allergen, medicines, food products, insect allergens, etc. are more often.

Mycosis of the hands

The defeat of the skin of the hands caused by pathogenic fungi (dermatophytes). Blisters can be located on the back and outer sides of the palms, fingers, interdigital folds. Their appearance is accompanied by itching.