How to get rid of hiccups?

On the ground, for sure, there is not a single person who at least once has not experienced in his own practice what a hiccup is. This unpleasant state always attacks at the most unexpected moment. For example, when you are on a visit or on an audience with your boss, you go public transport or shop at a store, and even during a hearty lunch or making love with your own husband. At the same time, one obsession arises in my head, as if to get rid of the hated hiccup as soon as possible and not look like a laughingstock in other people's eyes. Well, let's discuss the options for getting out of this rather delicate situation today.

Why do we hiccup?

But before talking about how to get rid of hiccups, you should consider the reasons for which it occurs. And if small children hiccup in most cases because of the ingress of excess air into the esophagus, then the causes of hiccups in adults are much greater. Here they are.

Means against hiccoughs

But no matter how strong the hiccups were, and whatever the reason for its occurrence, there are many wonderful ways to get rid of this scourge.

  1. Drink steers. Put your hands behind your back and gently bend your torso forward. Ask someone close to hold a glass of water in front of your face at such a distance that you had to reach for the water. Drink in small sips, stretching your neck. This position will remove the spasm from the diaphragm, and the hiccup will stop.
  2. Breathe in with a delay in breathing. Take the position of "half-asleep - half-sitting," try to relax, and then Take a deep breath with your stomach and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Then exhale slowly and slightly retract the abdomen. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times, hiccups must pass.
  3. Switch attention. If you hiccup because of some kind of nervous tension or experience, then the best way against hiccups in this case will be to distract from the problem. For example, remember the happiest day in your life, the greatest luck or dream about something pleasant.
  4. And here only the doctor will help. Well, if the cause of hiccups is a serious illness, then only a doctor will help you. He will find out the true picture of things, prescribe competent individual treatment and explain in detail how to get rid of prolonged hiccups specifically in your case.