Papilloma in the throat

Apart from polyps of the larynx, the most common complaint on taking an otolaryngologist is a build-up on the mucosa in the form of a papilla. Usually there is a single papilloma in the throat, in rare cases, multiple proliferation of tissue (papillomatosis). Such benign neoplasms often extend to the tonsils, lips and trachea, causing complications.

The causes and symptoms of having a papilloma in the throat

The main factor provoking the emergence of these growths is the human papillomavirus. This disease does not heal completely, but it can be controlled by maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system.

The causes of activation of HPV and the progression of papillomatosis:

The first symptom of the disease is hoarseness. Over time, this sign becomes more pronounced, up to a complete loss of voice. In the absence of appropriate therapy, a severe clinic of papillomatosis is observed:

Easy forms of pathology difficult to identify. Symptoms are rare and go unnoticed. Among the characteristic features:

Sometimes there are no clinical manifestations at all.

Treatment of papilloma in the throat

With a single growth, conservative therapy is prescribed by antiviral agents:

In accordance with the immune status, immunomodulating drugs may be recommended.

Treatment of papilloma in the throat with folk remedies is unacceptable and dangerous. Independent therapy provokes the activation of the virus and the proliferation of tissues, the emergence of multiple neoplasms.

Removal of papilloma in the throat

Despite the relatively high effectiveness of the drug approach, otolaryngologists are advised to immediately eliminate the described growths by radical methods. This helps to prevent severe papillomatosis.

Removal of tumors is carried out in such ways:

The last two techniques are considered obsolete, so they are practically not used.