Antibiotics for influenza

Influenza is an acute viral disease that can cause a number of very serious complications. To quickly and without consequences to cope with this disease, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible and strictly adhere to all the doctor's recommendations, taking only those drugs that are effective for influenza.

Unfortunately, till now at treatment of such widespread and in a sufficient measure of the studied disease the mass of errors is supposed. In particular, this is an unjustified use of antibiotics against influenza. The reason for this in most cases is a general hobby for self-medication, in which patients often follow the recommendations from advertising medications or advice from others who have been ill with the flu. A certain role in this can also be played by the cooperation of medical workers with pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, it is desirable before receiving any medicines to obtain information about their composition, the principle of action and contraindications.

Does the flu treat antibiotics?

To understand whether it is possible to treat influenza with antibiotics, you should understand what these drugs are. Antibiotics - a group of medicines, whose action is directed to the destruction of bacteria. Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms with a primitive structure, which when introduced into the cells of the human body cause infection.

The flu is caused not by bacteria, but by viruses. These are microorganisms of a completely different nature, representing a genetic element-an alloy of nucleic acid molecules that is reproduced within living cells. Therefore, antibiotics can not also disastrously act on viruses, and, therefore, when taking the flu (including intestinal fluids), it is senseless to take antibiotics for treatment.

How dangerous is the treatment of the flu with antibiotics?

Antibiotics for viral infections are not only useless, but can also cause significant harm to the body. This is due to the fact that the reception of these funds often leads to adaptation, development of bacterial resistance and the formation of new strains. As a result, if necessary, subsequent antibiotic therapy will not have the necessary effect.

In addition, as a result of the action of antibiotics, not only pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, but also all useful microorganisms susceptible to them. As a result, severe dysbacteriosis may develop, the immune defense of the body is weakened.

When is antibiotic treatment acceptable?

But in some cases, after infection with the flu virus, antibiotics must be taken. These drugs are prescribed if complications of the disease associated with a bacterial infection occur - sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, lymphadenitis, etc. The cause of these complications is often the bacterial flora, which is activated in the weakened by the flu organism.

Symptoms that indicate the attachment of bacterial infection in gepp are:

What kind of antibiotics to drink in the flu can be determined only by a specialist after carrying out certain studies (radiography, seeding from the nose and throat, etc.). It is worth noting that taking antibiotics to prevent the onset of complications also does not follow for the reasons described above.