Pain in chest with inspiration

The pain that occurs in the chest during inspiration can be a sign of a number of diseases, depending on its intensity, strength and localization. But most often it is associated with pathologies in the lungs or near-cardiac region.

Pain in the chest when breathing in diseases of the respiratory system


The most common cause of such pain. Accompanied by:

Inflammation of the pleura

Pain in the chest during inspiration can occur either on the right or on the left, and be bilateral, depending on the lesion. Often, such inflammation develops against the backdrop of pneumonia, but can be triggered by other diseases and infections. With unilateral inflammation it is characteristic that the pain decreases, if you lie on the sore side. Pleurisy is usually accompanied by:

In the pleura there is a large number of nerve endings, so the pain is felt even with the initial inflammatory process.

Shortening of the inter pleural ligament

It can be both an independent pathology and triggered by inflammatory processes in the lungs and the pleural cavity. Causes constant coughing and stitching pains in the chest, which when running, walking, deep breaths, conversations only intensify.

Prolonged, paroxysmal cough

Chest pain is often associated not with the damage of the lungs or bronchi, but with the fact that when coughing attacks there is a load on certain muscles, and their overexertion leads to the appearance of a pain syndrome, especially with a strong inspiration.

Chest pain with inspiration and cardiovascular disease


In inflammatory heart disease, chest pain is observed with both inspiration and exhalation, increasing with deep inspiration and any physical activity. At the onset of the disease, the pain is moderate, but it increases with time. Usually it is spilled, non-localized, although it is stronger on the left.

Attack of angina pectoris

There is a severe pain in the chest, centered on the left, which increases with inspiration to such an extent that a person can not breathe. Gives to the entire left half of the trunk.

Thromboembolism or blockage of the pulmonary artery

In comparison with other causes, this condition is less common, but is extremely dangerous for life. Pain is observed constantly, but noticeably increases with inspiration, coughing, when taking a horizontal position.

Other causes of chest pain during inspiration

Physical damage

Painful sensations are accompanied by:

With bruises and sprains, the pain is usually aching, and in case of fractures - acute, shooting.

Intercostal neuralgia

Can be accompanied by sharp, shooting pains on inspiration, especially deep.

Renal colic

As a rule, pain is observed in the lumbar region, back, abdomen, but sometimes it is given to the area under the scapula and into the chest.

In addition, although rare, with gastroesophageal reflux , in addition to burning in the chest, pain can occur when inhaled.