Carrot juice for the winter

For the winter you can do not only different vegetable preparations, preserves and pickles, but also a variety of juices that will be an excellent, more useful and natural, alternative to packaged drinks. Let's find out with you ways of making carrot juice for the winter. Made at home, this drink is several times more delicious and useful.

How to prepare carrot juice for the winter?



So, to prepare a homemade carrot juice, the vegetables are thoroughly washed and peeled. After that, grind the carrots with a juicer, or squeeze the juice, using a press. We give him a little time to get a good rest, and then gently drain the juice from the sediment and filter through a strainer or gauze, folded in several layers. The filtered juice is poured into a suitable small dish, placed on a plate and heated to about 85 degrees. Then add sugar to taste, stir and immediately pour the drink into dry sterilized jars, not filling them to the brim. After that we sterilize them for 30 minutes, at a temperature of about 110 degrees. We roll up the lids, turn it over and heat it up until it cools down completely. That's all, natural and delicious carrot juice is ready!

Apple-carrot juice for the winter



Apples and carrots are carefully washed, dried and then doused with boiling water. After that we grind them separately with the help of a juicer. Next, squeeze the juices, measure the right amount and mix with each other in an enamel saucepan. Add sugar to taste, stir and heat to boil, then boil the drink for about 5 minutes. In a boiling form immediately pour the carrot- apple juice into sterilized jars and roll them up with lids. Next, turn the jars and heat wrap, leaving them so until the complete cooling. Then we rearrange it in a dark cool place and store it no more than a year.

Pumpkin-carrot juice for the winter



Purified pumpkin rubbed on a small grater and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Carrots are cleaned from the peel, and we also rub it on a grater with small holes, squeeze out the juice from the pulp. Lemons are washed, dried, cut the zest and squeeze the juice. Now take a small saucepan, pour into it carrot and pumpkin juice . Add boiled water, put sugar and lemon juice. Thoroughly mix everything and put on a small fire. Bring the juice to a boil and cook it for about 5 minutes. Then filter the drink through a sieve, pour into jars, quickly roll up and turn upside down. We wrap the blanket and leave the juice until it cools down.

Preparation of carrot juice with pulp for the winter



For the preparation of carrot juice, we select ripe, juicy fruits, carefully wash them, peel them and crush them with a blender. To the received weight we add water and we put to be cooked on weak fire before full softening of carrots. Then twice we pass everything through the juicer, and whisk thoroughly with a mixer. To the resulting puree, add sugar syrup, mix, heat the mixture to a boil, stand for 7 minutes and pour into pre-prepared sterilized jars. Immediately roll them with lids. When the juice cools, we remove it for storage in the pantry.