Cake of pancakes

From the recipes below, you will learn how to make an incredibly delicious pancake cake. Depending on the filling, it can be both an excellent appetizing dessert, and a rich and insanely delicious snack.

Sweet pancake cake with sour cream


For pancakes:

For cream:


To make a dough for pancakes, mix kefir with soda and leave for five minutes for quenching. At this time, we process the eggs with a mixer, mixing them before with sugar and a pinch of salt. We connect the egg mass and yogurt, sift flour to them and mix well, achieving dissolution of all the lumps and obtaining a smooth texture. Now we pour hot water into the dough into a dough and continuously stir it intensively at the same time. In the end, we mix the vegetable oil without a smell and bake delicate pancakes in a traditional way on a warm, lightly oiled frying pan.

In a separate bowl we pierce the sour cream with a mixer, pouring in the process sugar and vanillin, and we achieve complete dissolution of all the sweet crystals.

Ready to cool cooled pancakes soaked with the resulting sour cream and stacked on each other, forming a cake. We decorate the product to your liking.

You can complement the taste of cake from pancakes by cooking it with a cherry. In this case, it is necessary to increase somewhat the sweetness of sour cream and spread berry-free berries on cream between pancakes.

Snack cake of pancakes with chicken and mushrooms


For pancakes:

For cream:


To prepare the dough, eggs are blended with salt and granulated sugar until uniform, and then pour in a glass of milk and mix again. Now we sift the flour into the mixture and use the corolla to obtain a uniform texture of the dough and its consistency as a thick sour cream. After that, we put the remaining milk into it and mix it, obtaining the necessary liquid texture of the pancake dough. Now we pour in the vegetable oil, mix it and after fifteen minutes, bake the pancakes one by one in a slightly oiled and well-heated frying pan.

For the filling, we boil the chicken fillet in advance and allow it to cool in the broth. Do not forget to add water when cooking and add spices to taste. After that, we disassemble the meat into oblong fibers with hands or cut it with a small sharp knife. Mushrooms mine, shinkuem finely and fry in vegetable oil in a pan for ten minutes, stirring, and then we put the cut onion and fry all together until soft. Also boil, clean and grate chicken eggs.

While all the ingredients of the filling are being prepared, we mix cottage cheese, mayonnaise, peeled and pressed through the press cloves of garlic and chopped fresh herbs. We bring the resulting mixture to taste with salt and pepper. Tomatoes cut into thin slices and pritrushivayem quite a bit of fresh herbs, and hard cheese we pass through the grater.

Collecting the cake, slip every pancake with a curd mixture and put the mushrooms first, the second pancake chicken, the third tomato, and then repeat the layers again, shifting the blanched blanches and slightly tearing the cheese. Cover the cake with the last pancake, cover it with cottage cheese mixture, sprinkle with eggs and generously cheese.