Ho Chi Minh City - attractions

In the south of Vietnam there is the city of Ho Chi Minh City, where there is something to see for tourists who are attracted in their travels by original places with ancient architectural monuments, harmoniously neighboring with modern buildings. Ho Chi Minh City differs from Bangkok and Singapore, where in every object a trace of the rapid construction of the 21st century is visible. Famous historical places, picturesque corners of nature, elements of Western European and authentic Chinese culture make excursions to Hoshemin unforgettable. Such Ho Chi Minh City attractions as the Presidential Palace, buildings in the style of French architecture, magnificent mosques and majestic pagodas wonderfully harmonize with the urban vanity, which is created by numerous scooters and mopeds. You will not see such a number anywhere else in the world!

Modern Ho Chi Minh City is the economic capital of Vietnam, its commercial, business and industrial center. It is in this city that the largest number of people live - more than 5.4 million people!

Reunification Palace

The Reunification Palace, the Presidential Palace, the Governor's Palace - this is the name of the most magnificent palace of Ho Chi Minh City, which the city received more than two centuries ago from the colonialists from France. In 1963, this structure was able to experience the bombing itself, which destroyed it almost to the ground. However, the authorities managed to restore the palace in three years. Up until 1975, the pro-American government resided in the Presidential Palace. Only after the liberation of Vietnam he was given the name of the Palace of Reunion.

Notre-Dame Cathedral

It is logical that the cathedral with this name is located in the center of the city, on the Paris Square. It was erected in the spring of 1880 in a short time. Despite the fact that the architectural colonial style is not distinguished by the grace of forms, the Notre-Dame cathedral is a unique structure in the whole of Vietnam. A stronghold of Europe in Asia.


Probably, it will be difficult to find more beautiful places in the cities of Vietnam than Ho Chi Minh's parks, which are a favorite place not only for tourists, but also for indigenous people. It would seem that they have long since become accustomed to such landscapes, but in reality Ho Chi Minh residents in parks are no less than tourists from other countries.

We should also mention Dam-Sheen Park, which is considered to be the largest in the country. Dam-Sheen is a cultural and entertainment center of Ho Chi Minh City. Here you can enjoy the views of a small copy of the incredibly beautiful pagoda of Jacques-Vien, stroll along the shores of the lake, which resembles the West Lake in Hanoi.

The park offers puppet show programs, a large water park, sports health centers and the Royal Garden of Nam-Tu. If you travel with children, be sure to visit the botanical garden and the zoo, built more than two hundred years ago. Initially, the inhabitants of these natural parks were the rarest animals and unique plant species, and today the collection has thousands of diverse species.

Ho Chi Minh Museums

There are a lot of museums in Ho Chi Minh City that are worth visiting if there is enough free time. This will allow you to get acquainted with the history of the country and make a fuller picture of it. We recommend to mark the following Ho Chi Minh Museums: Museum of Victims of War, Historical Museum, Museum of War Crimes, Museum of Tears.

Take into account, Vietnamese tolerate enough to the spectacles, which for residents of other countries may seem horrifying and even blasphemous. Detailed reconstruction, detailed photos can frighten even an adult, not to mention children.

To visit Ho Chi Minh City, you will need a passport and a visa to Vietnam .