Moldovan Vertuta - recipe

Vertuta is a popular pastry in Moldavia made from bezdozhzhevogo extracting dough with stuffing, like strudel . For the filling can be used a variety of foods (sweet and savory), usually it's brynza or cottage cheese, grated raw potatoes with herbs or mashed potatoes, chopped eggs, pumpkin, minced meat, cabbage, fruit jam.

In general, the preparation of Moldovan whirling in the oven is a simple matter, they are prepared quite quickly, but certain skills are still needed, first of all, for pulling the dough. The thinner the dough, the better it turns out.

Moldovan revolvers with cottage cheese - recipe



Wheat flour sifted into a working container, make a groove and pour in a mixture of eggs with vegetable oil, water and salt. You can also include in the test 2 teaspoons of fruit brandy or vodka to improve the structure of the test and optimize the baking process.

We knead the dough (it can be a mixer), it should turn out to be quite elastic. Roll the dough into a com, cover with a clean damp linen napkin and leave for half an hour. We divide the dough into equal parts, from which we roll thin cakes, lightly powder the flour and add 2-3 pcs.

How to make Moldovan revolutions?

Cottage cheese mash with a fork and slightly salted.

Roll-pull out each prepared cake gently and as thinly as possible, but so that it does not tear. We spread the filling on the edge and turn into a long thin sausage, which, in turn, turns off the spiral. Bake in preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes. We serve with tea, coffee, table wine or compote.

Moldovan lenten with cabbage - old traditional recipe



Mix the dough from the sifted flour with sunflower oil, vinegar salt and water. Mesim carefully hands and beat out on the table. We roll it with a lump, cover it with a napkin and leave it for 40 minutes. Roll out scones on The table, laid with a clean linen cloth, is carefully stretched out along the edges. Uneven edges protruding at the table - cut off.

Sauerkraut, of course, washed with boiled cold water and let the waste flow down. In principle, you can use fresh cabbage, in this version it should be shredded, wrinkled, podsolit and wait 20 minutes. You can also use stewed with onion cabbage.

We put the filling on the edge of the substrate from the dough, turn off like a roll, and it, in turn, with a spiral. Bake the vertically in the oven for 40 minutes.

We serve with Moldovan wine.