Lecho of courgettes

Lecho - a dish of Hungarian cuisine, popular also in many other countries (it is a kind of ratatouille), comes from the culinary traditions of shepherds and villagers.

Invariable and obligatory components of Hungarian lecho are sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. Sometimes lecho is cooked with eggs (they are stirred in hot lecho), bacon and other meat products. Classical Hungarian lecho can be served as a separate dish with white bread. Often lecho is served to various meat, fish and vegetable and other dishes.

In Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space lecho is prepared and preserved for the winter in some way, modified recipes that have long become traditional. To the basic for lecho a set of products zucchini, aubergines and carrots are often added. Lecho in such cases are more dense and satisfying, well preserved for the winter. Such vegetable preparations bring a pleasant and useful variety in the cold season menu.

Spicy spicy lecho of pepper, tomatoes and zucchini with bacon



We need a deep thick-walled frying pan, best cast iron, aluminum or steel without coating or with a ceramic coating (can be cooked in a cauldron or saucepan). A piece of fat is cut into cracklings and drown from them fat in a frying pan. On medium heat, lightly fry the onions, quartered with rings, and bacon, cut across with medium-thick, thin strips. Reduce the fire and add crushed small pieces (brusochkami or cubes) zucchini.

We will put it out, cover it with a lid, stirring occasionally with a spatula, for 20 minutes, then add the sweet pepper cut into short straws, and cook for another 8 minutes. Now put the blanched finely chopped tomatoes or tomato paste (you can slightly dilute it with water). Let's extinguish lecho for another 3-5 minutes and season with hot red pepper and / or paprika. Turn off the fire and wait for 8-10 minutes. Add chopped greens and garlic, mix. Ready-made lecho can be served as an independent dish. You can serve lecho and chilled. To lecho wine is best to choose pink table or white, you can serve fruit brandy, rakiyu, berry tinctures.

Following the same recipe, you can prepare lecho with eggplant and zucchini. Just add 1-2 eggplants to the lecho (we cut them in the same way as zucchini and put together). You can pre-soak chopped eggplants in cold water for 10 minutes, but this is not necessary. This recipe is not lecho for conservation.

Lecho of courgettes for the winter



Cooking in vegetable oil. Cut all the ingredients in the same way as described in the previous recipe (see above). We put the chopped vegetables in the same sequence during cooking. Tushim Lecho with adding hot pepper until ready and put into sterilized jars under the very top.

You can do this differently: in individual skillettes fry and squash zucchini with eggplant and onion and pepper, put in cans with layers and pour boiling tomato pulp (tomatoes, passed through a meat grinder or punched in a blender). We cover the jars with sterilized lids and put on the clamps. We put the jars in the basin with water and sterilize for 20-40 minutes, after which we roll up and turn over. Cover with an old blanket until it cools down completely. Keep banks with lecho should be at a positive low temperature (cellar, glazed loggia or veranda).