Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

Bees are the most ancient insects, whose history totals about sixty million years. In an ancient document dating back to 3000 BC. The therapeutic effect of honey is described. The ancient Slavs "negotiated" with the bees, taking the products of their life from the hollows of old trees, from the sides. Hence the name of the fishery is bortnichestvo. A difficult and dangerous profession, after all it was necessary to be not only a skilled dartman, but also to know the "psychology" of bees, their habits. Modern beekeeping - apiary. Bees are bred in specially equipped places, in hives. Studying the life of bees, a man could not fail to marvel at the perfection of their "civilization". Bees are able to take care of their home, keep it in a sterile state, protect offspring from encroaching enemies, clearly delegate powers to swarm members, etc.

The nature and properties of propolis

The bee swarm produces not only honey, but also other valuable products. Among them, wax, royal jelly , pepper, bee venom and, of course, propolis. Due to the propolis bees, it is possible to eliminate possible damage in the hive, disinfect cells, and cover the honeycombs with a zabrus ("lid"). It is created by a bee from sticky particles collected in spring from the buds of deciduous plants, such as poplar, birch, alder, etc., and special enzymes. This product has an archaic chemical composition:

The phenomenal properties of propolis in a complex with honey are amplified many times.

Honey and propolis - medicinal properties

A mixture of propolis and honey is used as an independent therapeutic agent and as part of complex therapy for various diseases:

Preparation and reception of honey with propolis

To maintain the medicinal properties of both honey and propolis, consider their contraindications, you must be very careful. In the preparation process, you must strictly consider the percentage of ingredients. For treatment, 5-20% of the composition (propolis / honey) is used. Prevention requires a less concentrated formulation. It is sufficient to use 0.5-5% composition.

Honey and propolis are successfully used in pediatrics. However, when treating children, it must be taken into account that the dose of the drug for an adult does not coincide with the doses recommended for children. So, a one-year-old child should be prescribed a drug in the proportion of 1:20 the dose of an adult. With age, the proportions change: a 10-year-old child - 1: 2 doses of an adult.

Composition for the treatment of colds



In a water bath, melt the propolis, add honey to it, mix it, lightly heat it up (40-50 degrees is enough). The mixture is stored in a glass tightly closed container, in a dark place.


Propolis and honey have a wide range of effects on the human body. In this case, you need to clearly know how to correctly apply honey with propolis. Otherwise it is quite possible to provoke aggressive allergic reactions.

Do not take this medicine during pregnancy and lactation, and those who have problems with the digestive tract, it is better to consult a doctor.