Diseases of chinchillas

If the room in which your pet dwells is little adapted for him, then the chinchilla diseases are guaranteed. In addition, the animal needs proper nutrition and cleanliness in its home. But even the most accurate and caring owners are not always able to prevent diseases in small rodents.

Infectious and parasitic diseases

Such diseases chinchilla can get sick if pathogenic microbes or viruses get into her body. They can live in the stern, bedding, water. Dangerous and biting mosquitoes, spiders and contact with sick animals. An infectious disease is correctly diagnosed only by a veterinarian.

Parasites living in the body of a small chinchilla cause great harm to her health. In addition, the infected chinchilla represents a danger to other pets. Coccidosis, trichophytosis (ringworm), helminthiasis - this is an incomplete list of parasitic diseases. If the animal began to noticeably lose weight, restlessly behaves, poorly eats, and the intestines work with interruptions, there are obvious signs of chinchilla disease, which means that it must be shown to the vet. Timely treatment can save chinchillas from death.

Non-contagious diseases

Much more often home fluffy favorites suffer from non-communicable diseases. Due to inadequate nutrition, improper microclimate, violations of the chinchilla feeding regime suffer no less than from viruses and parasites. The most common disease is beriberi. As a consequence - the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. Tympania, that is, bloating, affects the chinchilla when its diet contains easily fermenting inferior fodder (frozen root crops, wet grass, rotten hay). In the intestine accumulates a large number of gases, the chinchilla is noted for constipation, aggravated by periodic contraction of the walls of the stomach, that is, atony. Before treating constipation in chinchilla, limit the consumption of animal dry food. Then give the animal 5 ml of a 5% solution of lactic acid or 8 ml of a 10% solution of ichthyol. After 10-15 minutes, massage the pet abdomen. After that, release the animal from the cage so that it can move actively. When the intestine clears, plant the chinchilla on a diet for 12 hours - just water. Fresh benign feed is introduced in small portions to avoid relapse. Unfortunately, if the tympanie is launched, then the animal is likely to die.

Chinchillas often suffer from flatulence, intestinal catarrh and stomach causing discomfort. On the question of what to do if the chinchilla diarrhea, you will be answered only by a veterinarian, because an accurate diagnosis is established based on the analysis of feces. Acid catarrhs ​​are treated with synthomycin (0.3 g twice daily), decoction of oak bark and toasted oats. If the catarrh is alkaline (diarrhea chinchilla is accompanied by putrefactive odor and fetid gases), then it is necessary to treat immediately, because the animal will die within one or two days. This disease effectively at home is not treated.

Another ailment of small fuzzy are eye diseases in chinchillas, which are rare, but they amaze them. Inflammation of the cornea and cataracts can make your pet blind. The sand that is used as a litter can be in the eye and cause inflammation. Do not try to treat the animal yourself. The veterinarian will quickly and painlessly treat the eye with steroid and antiseptic eye ointments, and the chinchilla will be healthy again. Is there no way to contact the veterinarian? Pipeline chinchilla 5 days for 1 drop of Oculoheel Heel in each eye (4 times a day). Harm exactly will not happen.