The strongest dog

In this list, we tried to include the largest dogs in the world, differing enviable athletic data. Of course, such breeds are much more than ten and some people had to miss, but for a detailed description of all of them there simply would not have been enough space in this short note. We hope that our candidates will impress you.

Top 10 most powerful dogs:

  1. South African Boerboels.
  2. Crossing native breeds with European aliens often gave interesting results and the appearance of Boerboels is a vivid confirmation. They belong to a strong and powerful family of mastiff-like dogs and have developed guarding instincts.

  3. Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
  4. This breed has been widely used by us, and there is no need to describe it in detail. To their Caucasians are affectionate, but strangers should understand that mistrust and suspicion is not a defect, but an inborn quality of the watchdog. Nervous and poorly controlled individuals with our representatives of the most powerful dogs it is better not to have.

  5. Tibetan Mastiff.
  6. With the owner of this giant, you can even pat, but if he guards the yard, then the stranger should not go to such a guard. In this shaggy Tibetans, many knowledgeable people are just for a gentle affection for members of the family. Aggressive stubborn people make mistakes that the masters allow in their upbringing.

  7. Leonberger.
  8. Best of all, these representatives of the German breed feel outside the city, because they were removed for the protection of livestock in the hills of Swabia. By the way, even though they are guard dogs, they have a lively and kind disposition, and the manifestation of aggression is even considered a disadvantage for this breed.

  9. Pyrenean mastiffs.
  10. The bastards of our dog are enough even for a fight with a bear, so in this list of the most powerful breeds it was not in vain. Be careful if the Pyrénées thinks that you are not his authority for him, then he will cease to carry out the assigned tasks.

  11. Great Danes.
  12. It is interesting that the terrible attacks of the Great Danes on people with bloody consequences are few, huge dogs prefer to shoot down the enemy from their feet, rather than tear with fangs, and then keep the unfortunate until the master comes. But when the dog is brought to the extreme state of excitement, the results can be bad.

  13. Central asian shepherd dog.
  14. Outside its territory - it's a friendly dog, giving outsiders little attention, but in the service to him it is better not to approach. For Alabai there is a circle of persons whom the dog recognizes for family members, and it is advisable for those who do not go in with such a sheep-dog to behave extremely cautiously.

  15. St. Bernard.
  16. Investigating the question of which dog is the strongest, it is impossible to pass by the St. Bernards. In addition to the strength they have a lot of cleverness, a good heart and discretion. But all these qualities are manifested only in good conditions. Keeping dogs of this breed on the chain makes them more evil and their friendly disposition is greatly reduced.

  17. Neapolitan Mastiff.
  18. This is another giant, endowed with intelligence and a sense of responsibility. Surprisingly, formidable Neapolitans can even play the role of nannies. Attack such a dog is also capable, but usually she will try to frighten the enemy with a grin, and only then will he give him a good bashing.

  19. English mastiff.
  20. Concluding the study, which is the most powerful dog in the world, we reached the most massive representative of this species. The weight of huge Englishmen can even reach 120 kg. The champion named Zorbro generally weighed 156 kg. Their temper is proud and it is not easy to break such a dog. Although they seem awkward to speak out against such a guard in combat, it is better to be unnecessary, protecting his property, he becomes a gladiator.