English Toy Terrier

If you need a devotee, intelligent, loving children, playful and kind pet, then the dog of the breed of English toy-terrier (Manchester toy-terrier) is the best option! Among the many undeniable advantages, there is only one drawback: English Toy Terriers are so strongly able to become attached to their beloved master, that all other people simply cease to exist for them.

The English Toy Terriers are a miniature copy of the Manchester Terriers, which in the past have become famous for the excellent skills of the Pied Piper. The latter have already come from black-taned coarse-wool terriers. The amazing endurance of English toy-terriers got to them from the Greyhounds and Whippets. Initially in England, this breed was called Manchester Toy Terrier, and later - black and tan terrier. Only in 1962 in the English Kennel Club officially recognized the breed of dogs English Toy Terrier.

In Russia, these dogs were due to the fashion on English governesses. Employing good teachers for their growing up children, the Russian nobles took in their estates not only governesses, but also small funny puppies of the English toy-terrier who did not require any special care, served as masters as excellent companions.

Breed description

A general description of the breed of English Toy Terriers is that these small animals possess extraordinary charm, affection, enthusiasm, sensitivity, loyalty. Often the representatives of this breed have excellent strong health, they do not care for the dogs, there is no unpleasant smell, and bitches are pretty easy to pick.

According to excerpts from the standard of this breed, the English toy-terrier is a dog of a harmonious constitution, muscular, elegant and tiny. English toy-terrier at the same time possesses the character and temperament of a typical terrier. Color of these pets is black and tan. It is the combination of the color of ebony and golden-chestnut scorches, which do not mix, make these terriers elegant. The head is narrow in dogs, with a small flat skull, long and wedge-shaped. The cheeks do not have a pronounced relief, but under the eyes the muzzle of the dog is well filled. The tail at the base is somewhat thick, and toward the end it narrows. A tail tucked up is considered a disadvantage.

An adult English toy-terrier weighs from 2.6 to 3.6 kilograms, and its height at the withers is 25-30 centimeters.

The content of the toy terrier

An unpretentious little dog that can easily adapt to urban life, provided that walking with her will be a long time and without a lead. In order for the pet's fur to cast a healthy sheen, it is enough to clean it once a day with a brush and smooth the rubber with a mitten. By the way, the same effect is guaranteed to you if the dog receives a teaspoon of vegetable oil or fish oil weekly. Caring for an English toy terrier in rainy weather is somewhat different. After walking in the rain, wool should be wiped with a towel and dried with a hairdryer, so that a specific odor does not appear. In winter, it is better for a pet to wear a warm blanket or a tailor- made overall .

The daily norm of feed for the English toy-terrier is not more than half of the standard diet. From time to time, the mixture can be replaced with finely chopped and lightly boiled meat, which must be mixed with biscuits. The raw lean meat in the ration of the toy terrier is the exception. As with other pets, drinking should always be available.