Implantation of the embryo - sensations

From the very beginning of the birth of a new life in the body of a woman, serious changes are constantly taking place. Meanwhile, not all of them the future mother can feel. In particular, the process of fertilization occurs completely unnoticed, and the girl can only guess that she will soon be happy motherhood.

But the next important stage - the implantation of the embryo, or the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus, is usually accompanied by characteristic signs that allow the future mother to understand what exactly is happening to her. In this article, we will tell you what sensations a woman feels when embryo is implanted into the uterus, and what may change in her behavior and state of health during this period.

Signs and sensations of embryo implantation

As a rule, the attachment of an egg fertilized by a sperm to the walls of a future "storehouse" is accompanied by the following signs and sensations:

In addition to very unpleasant sensations, when embryo implantation, it is usually possible to notice uninvolved discharge from the vagina of a pinkish or light brown color. These signs are completely normal for this period, and they should not be frightened. Although, if a woman does not plan a pregnancy, they can certainly take her by surprise.

Separately it is worth noting the sensation of a woman when implanting an embryo after IVF. With artificial insemination, the attachment of one or more eggs to the uterus immediately occurs within 2 weeks after the implant, which usually happens rather late, as the embryo takes time to settle in the womb of the future mother.

As a rule, the implantation process in this case is not accompanied by any specific sensations, and doctors can determine that the embryo has "caught on" exclusively by ultrasound examination. All the signs of an "interesting" situation appear in such women in the overwhelming majority of cases after successful attachment and only with the normal development of pregnancy.