Wax moth - application in folk medicine, recipes

Wax moth belongs to a unique type of insect, the body of which is able to digest anything, even wax. This is possible due to the high concentration of digestive enzymes and active substances. They are the reason that the wax moth has found application in folk medicine, recipes for preparing tinctures and extract are offered by many healers. We also decided to share a few proven means.

Features of wax moth application in folk medicine

First of all, tincture of wax moth, or bee fire, is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system. This drug has unique properties - it destroys the bacterial membrane of tuberculosis. At the same time, moth extract accelerates metabolic processes in cells, which leads to self-healing of the affected organs. This allows the use of tincture as maintenance therapy in the following areas:

The recipe for the preparation of the wax moth extract may be slightly different, but on the medicinal properties of the product it is almost not reflected. If you can not get the larvae of bee fire, you can buy a ready tincture in the pharmacy.

Recipes for making wax moths

The product of the vital activity of the wax moth does not appear in the recipe, but it should be understood that semi-digested wax, perga and honey play an important role in treatment - it is an immunostimulating agent that significantly strengthens the body. It is for this reason that the best tincture is obtained from living wax larvae. Prepare it is not difficult.

Recipe for oral use

Necessary ingredients:


Live wax moth larvae sift through a large sieve to get rid of unnecessary elements. Place the raw material in a glass container, fill it with alcohol, cover it tightly and put it in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. From time to time, the vessel with the tincture should be shaken slightly. At the end of the required period, the product should be filtered, poured into a container of dark glass and stored in a refrigerator.

For maintenance therapy and for prophylactic purposes it is shown to apply 12-14 drops of tincture once a day, preferably in the morning, before meals. The product should be diluted in 1 tablespoon of clean cold water. You can add tincture in water with lemon juice and honey, the concentration of these products you pick to your taste, but the lemon should not be more than 20 drops per half a glass of water.

To treat diseases, adults need to double the amount of tincture, drink 15 drops in the morning and evening.

For children, the drug is given at the rate of 1 drop for 1 year of life, but not more than 10 drops per day.

There is another recipe for wax moth tincture, which is often used for external use.

Recipe for external use

Necessary ingredients:


Tamp the larvae in a half liter jar, fill it with alcohol, cover it with a lid. Insist 10 days. Strain the product through gauze, store in a sealed container.

Especially well proved such a tincture for the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and skin diseases. It is necessary to moisten the wadded disk in the tincture, apply a few drops of Dimexide's aqueous solution to the skin in the problem area, rub the painful area, using both agents simultaneously. This allows you to relax the muscles, remove inflammation and significantly reduce pain.