Sage - medicinal properties and contraindications

Sage refers to a family of dark-current plants. Traditional medicine knows for a long time that it can be used to treat various diseases. Useful medicinal properties and contra-indications of medicinal or muscatic sage differ from meadow. The latter grows in large numbers on the plains and roadsides. But doctors do not recommend using it to fight any kind of disease - this kind of plant is not very useful.

Therapeutic properties and contra-indications of herb sage

Different types of salvia - namely, as sage is called throughout the world - there are quite a lot. Most of them are useful. But the medicine of the CIS countries basically appeals for help to the medicinal and muscat plant. As part of these types of salvia contains a huge number of useful, and even necessary for the human body, substances:

Thanks to numerous medicinal properties, the herb of muscat and medicinal sage can be considered universal:

  1. This plant is very often used to treat lung diseases, including even those as severe as tuberculosis or pneumonia. It promotes expectoration of sputum and in parallel strengthens immunity.
  2. Regular use of decoctions and infusions of Salvia will contribute to increased attention and will significantly increase efficiency.
  3. Sage has a sedative effect, so it is often prescribed to people suffering from sudden mood swings. One glass is infused overnight - and no anxiety or excitement in the morning.
  4. The plant perfectly fights with increased sweating.
  5. Salvia excellently stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is often recommended to use it for people with digestive disorders.
  6. Enemas with sage treat hemorrhoids.
  7. Sometimes the plant is applied externally. It is used to treat fungal infections, abscesses, various dermatological diseases, burns, frostbite .
  8. Very effectively, salvia relieves all kinds of inflammation.

In addition to medicinal properties, there is a sage and contraindications. It is not recommended to use the plant when:

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of sage in gynecology

For women, this plant is especially useful. Besides that sage is used in cosmetology, many gynecologists address it. All due to the fact that the salvia contains special phytohormones, which by the principle of action are very similar to estrogens - female sex hormones.

Contraindications to the use of medicinal properties of sage in menopause is not, and therefore it is prescribed to virtually all women during menopause. Medicines based on plants help alleviate all those unpleasant symptoms from which you have to suffer to the fair sex.

The healing properties of sage are useful for women in that they help with infertility. Pregnancy does not occur when the female body lacks estrogen. Salvia not only contributes to the production of natural hormones, but also makes up for their deficiency with their own phytohormones.

Sage helps breastfeeding mothers who produce too much milk. The main thing is to take the infusion a little by little, otherwise the lactation will stop altogether.