Pseudomembranous colitis

Due to prolonged or uncontrolled intake of potent antibiotics, the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) is disrupted and a dangerous disease - pseudomembranous colitis - develops. It occurs rarely, but increases the risk of irreversible complications due to the intense inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the organ.

Symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis

The first sign of a pathology is severe diarrhea. The chair is mixed with bloody clots and light mucus.

Other clinical manifestations:

In addition to these symptoms of general intoxication, there are often signs of cardiovascular disorders - lowering blood pressure (hypotension), tachycardia, fever and even confusion. Moreover, electrolyte disorders and dehydration are often observed due to fluid loss, protein metabolism deteriorates. The most dangerous manifestation of this type of colitis is intestinal perforation, peritonitis.

Diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis

First of all, an anamnesis is collected to identify the cause of the disease (taking antibiotics). Then the gastroenterologist performs the examination of the patient - palpates the area of ​​the intestine, measures the temperature of the body.

Laboratory research includes:

Specification of the diagnosis is carried out using endoscopic and visualizing technologies:

As a rule, the aforementioned methods of diagnostics make it possible to accurately isolate the colonies of bacteria that caused the inflammatory process, determine the swelling of the mucous membranes and dilatation of the large intestine.

How to treat pseudomembranous colitis?

Mainly, you need to immediately cancel the use of antibiotics that provoked the described pathology, if possible. If it is necessary to continue antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to replace the drugs used:

Scheme of treatment of pseudomembranous colitis:

  1. Refusal to take any analgesics and agents with antiperistaltic action.
  2. Use of Metronidazole orally (4 times a day for 250 mg of medication) or intravenously, if self-administration is not possible.
  3. Purpose Smekty, Hilaka-Forte and Linex in standard dosages.
  4. Correction of water-electrolyte balance violations.

When intolerance or ineffectiveness of metronidazole for the treatment of pseudomembranous colitis Vancomycin is used. AT tablets take it for 125 mg of the active substance 4 times a day, in the form of a solution - injected through a nasogastric tube.

Diet for pseudomembranous colitis

In the first 1-3 days, fasting with the use of an increased volume of liquids (water, broth of dogrose, unsweetened and not strong tea) is recommended. After alleviating the condition and eliminating diarrhea, the diet can be expanded - kefir and kissels, cottage cheese (mashed).

Gradually, the patient is transferred to a full-fledged sparing diet No. 4a in Pevzner with the exception of alcoholic beverages, fatty foods, smoked products, sweets and pickles.