Leg file

Proper care for the feet is needed not only for beauty, but also for the preservation of health. The foot file can prevent the occurrence of large calluses, roughness, and therefore avoid cracks on the heels or infection of the damaged skin with the formation of a painful rod. Therefore, every woman has different kinds of such adaptations.

Mechanical foot file

There are several varieties of such pedicure tetroids, they depend on the material from which the working surface is made - emery, ceramics, and metal.

The advantages of sanding saws are:

In this case, the material in question significantly injures the skin, the treated areas can be accidentally erased to the blood.

Much more safe grater from metal and ceramics.

In the first case, there is a laser foot file for double action - there are a lot of microscopic spikes on the surface (the height does not exceed 0.1 mm) with a different angle of inclination made with a laser beam. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that two functions are performed at once: it is cut off, using sharp edges of the tooth, and grinding by means of its lateral surfaces.

A hard crumb is applied on the working surface of the ceramic float. As a rule, such a saw has 2 sides, one of which has larger pieces of ceramics, and the other has small pieces.

Good brands of mechanical heaters:

Professional foot files:

The difference between the devices of mass consumption and professional pedicure graters is that the latter are made of better materials, both for the handle and the working surface.

Electric roller foot file

According to many women, an automated stop device is more convenient. Such devices are equipped with a roller with a granular coating, which rotates when connected to the network or thanks to batteries, batteries.

There are two types of automatic foot grinding for working with a dry and moist skin surface, some of them can be used in both cases.

Especially popular was the device of the company Sholl Velvet Smooth. This electric grater is designed to remove roughness and calluses on the dry skin of the feet.

Advantages of the described device are:

On the other hand, this automatic saw has some disadvantages:

In addition, women note that during the treatment of the skin, too much dust is formed, consisting of a remote epidermis. This makes the pedicure session not very hygienic.

Other electric saws of good quality:

Some of the listed companies produce whole sets for proper foot care and removal of calluses , which contain additional accessories.