Dots for nails

Beautiful nails with a nice eye pattern always attract attention, because the pledge of a good manicure is not only a carefully processed cuticle, but also the right color of varnish, an unobtrusive pattern on the nails. If you started to master the art of nail design, you probably will not immediately be able to draw smooth points, circles, commas and other regular geometric shapes. Of course, in order to get a hand, it takes time. However, you do not need to wait until you have the experience, because the manicure masters have in their arsenal one thing that will help solve the problem easily and simply. This tool is called dots for nails. Its name speaks for itself, because from English it is translated as "points". It is for the application of points and other patterns on the nails used by manicure masters around the world.

Drawing small details on the nails with the help of a brush is not always within the power of even the most experienced master, so drawing helps with doots. What can we say about those who do manicures at home? Let's take a closer look at what Dotts is for, and finally learn how to use it.

More about dot

Dots is a small thin oblong stick. The body is usually made of wood or plastic, so that the tool is comfortable to hold, and the tip - in the form of a thick metal needle with a ball on the point. It is this ball and drawing is applied. There are two-sided dots with balls of different diameters, which allows you to create a wide variety of drawings on nails.

Drawings using dotsa are good because they do not require any special skills for their application. Even if you took dots for the nails in your hands for the first time, in a few minutes you will be able to admire the beautiful manicure by applying to the nails points, commas, lace or other patterns. Dots is also convenient for applying rhinestones to the drawing. You can also use it to create additional details by decorating the general background of the main drawing.

On sale there are special sets, which include dots with tips of different diameters, which are easily replaced one on another.

Drawings using dots

Dots for nail design, as you understand from the above written, is quite suitable for decorating your marigolds at home. If you for the first time decided to use this tool, the step-by-step instruction will help to apply any picture as quickly and as qualitatively as possible:

Do not forget from time to time wipe the dots off the napkin, removing the remaining paint. If you can not clean the tip completely - use a liquid to remove the varnish.

Drawing dots is a pleasant creative process, you can come up with your own "chips". Dots makes it possible to fantasize and draw on the surface of the nail plate the most real masterpieces.