Ascorbic acid with glucose is good and bad

Such a substance as ascorbic acid has been known for a long time, it is recommended to take it during the raging of influenza and colds, as well as during illnesses. But these days on the shelves of pharmacies you can find completely different drugs, including such as ascorbic acid with glucose, and about the benefits and harm of this tool, we'll talk today.

How useful is ascorbic acid with glucose?

This tool not only helps to increase the body's resistance to various infections, but also normalizes metabolic processes. Vitamin C, combined with glucose is easily digested, so this drug can be taken even by children older than 5 years.

The benefit of ascorbic acid with glucose is also that this substance promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues. The drug is recommended to take people not only during illness, but also when there are situations associated with increased stress on the body, both physical and mental. Scientists have proved that the use of ascorbic acid with glucose contributes to the rapid recovery of the body, whereas a lack of vitamin C will lead to chronic fatigue and to the fact that a person can get sick.

The daily dose of ascorbic acid with glucose for an adult is 90 mg, and for people who are ill and pregnant women it can be increased to 100 mg. For children, the rate of use is 25-75 mg. It is not possible to exceed the norm, this can lead to an allergic reaction, as well as upset stomach, since vitamin C acts on its walls.

Contraindications to the use of ascorbic acid with glucose

This drug should not be taken to people who are allergic to vitamin C. Typically, the use of this tool causes hives in them, but in some cases the case may result in hospitalization due to the laryngeal edema. With caution, it should be used for those who suffer from gastritis, stomach ulcers or intestines, as well as colitis. In this case, the rate of use is determined only by the doctor.

There are no other contraindications to the use of the drug. But it should be understood that if a person has any chronic diseases or in the presence of inflammatory processes in an acute form, even the intake of vitamins must be agreed with the doctor, otherwise there may be "incompatibility" of medicines, which will only lead to deterioration.