Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Buckwheat porridge - a classic dish of Russian cuisine, which is known throughout the world. Buckwheat is universal, as its taste is combined with a wide range of additional ingredients, for example, with meat, or vegetables. In this article, we'll talk about how to cook buckwheat porridge with mushrooms.

Recipe for buckwheat porridge with mushrooms



We start cooking dishes with mushrooms, as they take most of the time. Fungi filled with hot water and leave for 1 hour. After that we put a container with the same water on the stove and additionally boil the mushrooms for another 30 minutes. Once the mushrooms are ready, cut them and put them aside for a while.

Onion grind and fry in vegetable oil until it is transparent. At this stage, add the mushrooms to the onions and continue cooking until the onions and mushrooms are golden.

We rinse buckwheat with cold water and pour 2 1/2 cups of clean water. Boil the buckwheat groats until ready, not forgetting to salt in the process of cooking. Ready porridge is mixed with Passer. Before serving, buckwheat porridge with dried mushrooms should be seasoned with butter.

Buckwheat porridge with porcini mushrooms



Buckwheat rind and boil until half cooked in salted water.

White mushrooms are pre-soaked for an hour and a half, and then grind. Onions cut into small pieces, and carrots rub on a large grater. Pass the vegetables until half cooked, after which we add mushrooms to them and cook everything until golden brown. Spread the buckwheat in a frying pan to vegetables with mushrooms and pour all the mixture of cream and vegetable broth . Do not forget to put a laurel leaf for flavor in the dish. Cover the frying pan with a porridge cover and simmer until cooked on low heat. Season the prepared dish with salt and pepper to taste, extract the bay leaves and fill with a small amount of butter.

Such creamy buckwheat can also be baked in pots with cheese, it will not be less tasty and much easier to prepare.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms



Oven reheat to 220 degrees. While the oven is warming up, we will mushroom. First they need to be cleaned, and then cut into quarters and mixed with olive oil, passed through the press with garlic and thyme. We spread mushrooms on a baking sheet and bake to the full readiness (15-20 minutes should be enough).

Buckwheat groats are washed and poured with a double volume of clean, cold water. Boil buckwheat until ready (10-15 minutes) and salt to taste. We fill the gruel with butter and put it into plates. Top mushrooms and sprinkle the dish with salt and thyme, if necessary.

Together with the mushrooms to the porridge you can add fried to golden bacon, lard, and sprinkle the prepared dish with grated cheese, or simply fresh chopped greens. It turns out quite self-sufficient dish.