The power of love - in what is the all-conquering power of love measured?

You can talk about love indefinitely. Great poets, writers, artists, musicians and singers were inspired by this feeling when they created their masterpieces. Knights and soldiers went to battle with the name of the beloved on the lips. And, although we can not touch, see or hear love, this emotion is familiar to every person, and literally from infancy.

What is the power of love?

Everyone answers the question, what is the power of love, in its own way. A weak frightened woman will want her beloved to become a stone wall for her - in this she will draw her power. A person who has been betrayed many times will want confidence in his partner and will consider that attachment to the companion is strong with loyalty and devotion. For an ardent young man, this definition will consist in his readiness for heroism. The artist will evoke this emotion to create a beautiful picture.

What is the power of love for men and women?

A female representative gives herself to a man, raising him to a higher level, inspiring her partner in life to accomplish - this is the power of female love. By his attraction, a girl in love can heal a sick person, raise a fallen spirit, give his beloved the confidence that he is the best and magnificent in the whole world.

The Power of Parental Love

In this very nature of the instinct to protect their offspring, protect, nurture and nurture it and is the power of unconditional love of the mother to the child. If in animals such a craving for offspring remains at the level of instinct, the man, in his stubborn development, raised maternal love for his child to a level almost divine:

  1. The attachment of the mother to the baby reaches an unthinkable value, she can easily sacrifice herself to save the child's life, this holy feeling, like a protective cocoon, protects it throughout the life journey.
  2. Deprived of this priceless gift for one reason or another, the children then need psychological help for a long time, because it is almost impossible to replace the mother's feelings, the child has become accustomed to them since childhood, without really seeing, he already feels the native smells, the sounds of the mother's voice, feels soft gentle mother's hands. Thus, a small person gets used to the fact that the world is a good place where it is nice, cozy and comfortable where there is a mother who will always protect, nourish, warm and calm.

The power of love is psychology

The child who has not yet been separated from the maternal breast first meets the strongest feelings that a person is only capable of - hunger and love, "said Sigmund Freud about love. In general, he equated a love emotion with one or another manifestation of sexual attraction, although he stipulated that sexuality is not necessarily a process of interaction of the genitals. The father of psychoanalysis confused his followers with regard to love feelings, as soon as he could.

The Austrian psychologist quite seriously and categorically asserted that sexual motives - as he understood them in relation to his theory of psychoanalysis - determine the life of a person, the motives of his actions and his entire destiny. At the same time he said that pleasure can not always come from satisfying one's needs, no, it can be received from suffering.

Indeed, it is the undivided heartfelt inclination, full of negative emotions, that moved the poets to create genuine masterpieces, such as the letter of A.S. Pushkin to Anna Kern. Suffering from an unrequited desire serves as such a powerful catalyst for creative people that sometimes they themselves tend to feel an undivided affection to be visited by a muse.

Freud about love

In his own way, Sigmund Freud replied to his descendants about the power of human love. Sexual instinct, "hormone games" and other physiological acts, paradoxically, have nothing to do with human sexuality, and under this definition, apparently, the Austrian psychologist had in mind precisely the capacity for love experiences. The deafening success of the theory of psychoanalysis serves as a confirmation that the strength of this emotion should not be underestimated, and this feeling literally permeates all manifestations of human life, from birth to old age.

What is the power of love measured in?

We measure the current amperemeter, voltage - a voltmeter, but how to determine the power of love? Indeed, if love is such a powerful, strong and even sometimes terrible feeling, then should it have any units of measurement? For centuries and millennia, mankind must probably have learned how to measure this emotion. It would be great if there was a device that could be attached to a person and see if he likes you or not, and with what size.

Such a device is not and can not be, because the feelings and emotions of a person - a very unstable thing, and the indicator of the power of love affection can change during not that years, but even months, and sometimes days. A person sometimes can not even say whether he likes another or not, and there is no question of trying to measure the strength of this feeling. Is it good or bad? Probably, all the same good, because the constant variability of the indicator of the power of love on the device would serve as an occasion for the bitter disappointment of many and many people.

How to get the power of love?

Not everyone in the world is capable of love experiences. There is even a disease in which a person can not love anyone and nothing - hypopituitarism. Finding the power of love is possible in many ways. Physicians offer hormonal treatment, spiritual practitioners say that you can let this feeling in your heart if you realize your harmonious coexistence with Nature, accepting and not rejecting all that exists on Earth. There are many techniques that allow you to feel the union with everything in the world, and you can let in the heart of boundless love for one and the only person.

Practically everyone has a memory of the first youthful feelings that burst into the heart and flooded the flood, sweeping away all previous settings on their way, limiting the surrounding reality to one single person, but increasing the inner essence of this person to the size of the universe. We gain the ability to fall in love even in infancy, and then, as we grow older, its strength and application objects vary and change.

The Healing Power of Love

Healing with tenderness, devotion, love - this is the all-conquering power of love, and in this case science comes to our aid. In their experiments, scientists have shown that small monkeys, devoid of maternal heat, develop worse and are sick more often than those monkeys that were not separated from the parent. In the work of Aksakov "The Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson", there is a terrific example of healing by the mother of his hopelessly sick son. She pressed him to her chest, literally "breathed life force into him," according to the writer, thanks to which the boy remained alive.

Destructive power of love

The ability not only to heal, but also to destruction, to the end of existence - and this too is the great power of love. Feverish love can destroy a person's personality, if, for example, he suffers from unrequited love for a long time. The soul that has nurtured such a feeling should be burned, according to the writer Charlotte Bronte. It is the power of undivided affection that drives many adolescents to the path of suicide.

Thus, love can become dangerous and push a person to let self-destruction. For cases of this kind, there is both a special help from psychologists and a lot of the usual simple methods that Ovid described in his treatise "Medicine for Love" and it must be admitted that his work has not lost its relevance up to our time. He offered the methods of recovery from hopeless feelings the simplest:

The power of love is Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy tells us what the divine power of love is. From the point of view of believers, God is love, and He exists infinitely and unlimitedly, spreading, in his unknowable mercy, his divine power over all living. Love allows everything created by God to exist in all forms and manifestations, because it gave man freedom of will.