How to calculate BZU?

BJU is the daily norm of protein, fat and carbohydrate components of the diet. For everyone, it's different, because all people are different with their weight, height and physical activity. But every little thing is important in losing weight, and to achieve this, you need not only to know how many calories a day to consume, but how much food should be consumed in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. How to calculate BZU, will be told in this article.

Calculation of caloric content of your own diet

Without this step can not do. It is necessary to calculate it before proceeding to the norm of BJU. To do this, use the following formula: 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg.) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years). The first figure in this formula reflects the level of metabolism in the female body. Then you need to make an adjustment for the activity and multiply the obtained value by a factor of 1.2, if it is low, that is, a person leads a sedentary lifestyle; at 1.38, if he easily loads the body 1-3 times a week; at 1.55, if moderately trained 1-5 times in 7 days and at 1.73, if trained fairly intensively.

From the received figure it is necessary to take away 500 Kcal. During such calculations it is possible to get that a woman of 35 years with a weight of 61 kg and a height of 172 cm should consume 1412.26 kcal per day. Calculation of the corridor of calories, and then BIO, is necessary in order to be able to eat more freely. In this case, the lower limit of the calorie boundary for weight loss is -250 Kcal, and the upper limit of the border is +100 Kcal. Thus, in this case, the caloric content of the diet of the described woman can vary from 1162.26 kcal to 1512.26 kcal.

BZU calculation

Those who are interested in how to calculate the daily norm of BJU, it is necessary to know that in 1 gram of fat is 9 Kcal and 4 Kcal per gram of carbohydrates and proteins. In order to lose weight, it is necessary to increase the proportion of proteins in the diet and reduce the proportion of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, take about half of the diet for proteins, about a third for carbohydrates , and the remainder for fats.

Proceeding from the fact that the caloric content of the woman represented is 1412 Kcal, we make the following calculation:

However, these figures are not a standard. Everything is strictly individual, and if a woman does not want to lose weight, she can increase the caloric content of her diet or do so: leave it as before, but engage more intensively and then the weight will begin to fall.