What kind of vitamin is found in grapes?

Summer gives us a lot of delicious and healthy products. It is at this time that we try to saturate our body with all sorts of useful substances, microelements and vitamins. After all, it depends on how strong our body will be and how it will survive the harsh winter.

Since August, we can enjoy such a useful berry, as grapes . Ancient healers also spoke about its beneficial properties. The therapeutic and preventive effect of grapes on the body is due to the composition of this berry.

Grape composition

Grapes easily saturates the body by keeping a large amount of carbohydrates in it. At the same time, these carbohydrates are useful for the body and are easy for them to digest. However, the increased caloric content of this product does not allow using it during diets and wishing to lose weight.

Do not use grapes and those who have pancreatic diseases. But all the rest can fully experience the benefits of wine berries and vitamins contained in grapes.

The content of vitamins in grapes

The kind of vitamin found in grapes depends on the type of grapes, the place and the way it is grown. The most useful for health and beauty are dark varieties. However, the composition of vitamins in grapes is almost the same, regardless of the variety.

  1. Famous vitamin C , or ascorbic acid. It is present in large quantities in sour grades. But in the sweet kish-misha its minimal amount.
  2. Vitamin PP , or nicotinic acid. Helps in the assimilation of ascorbic. To get a daily dose of this vitamin, just drink a glass of red wine. This vitamin is needed to ensure full tissue respiration. The lack of this vitamin can cause the liver to work incorrectly, some skin diseases, fever and malfunctions in the development of the fetus in expectant mothers.
  3. B vitamins . Grapes contain a complex of vitamins of this group. All of them are vitally important for our body, and especially for the nervous system. The lack of vitamins of this group leads to the appearance of fatigue, exposure to stress, drowsiness and even aggression.
  4. Vitamin H , or biotin. Thanks to it, carbohydrate metabolism, the splitting of proteins and fats, the formation of nucleic acids are possible.
  5. Vitamin E. A sufficient amount of vitamin E literally affects our face. The skin becomes elastic, clean, the hair and nails are strong and healthy. In addition, the vitamin has a positive effect on the state of childbearing function.

After determining which vitamins contain grapes, it is safe to say that this berry is simply necessary for our health and beauty.