How does hematoma go during pregnancy?

Retrochorrial hematoma is a blood clot that forms between the fetal egg and the wall of the uterus. Usually it accompanies the threat of miscarriage. To future mothers such a diagnosis gives a lot of worry. Many are interested in how and how much hematoma goes during pregnancy, and also what are the ways to treat it. It will be useful to understand the information about this violation.

Treatment of hematoma

Doctors distinguish several degrees of hematoma:

Since pathology is fraught with miscarriage, it is not necessary to hesitate to seek medical help. Noticing the alarming symptoms, a woman should immediately go to the gynecologist. He will prescribe the treatment and tell in detail how the retrochorionic hematoma goes during pregnancy. This process consists in the fact that the clot gradually decreases in size and completely disappears, and the blood exits through the cervix outwards.

To help the body cope with the task, patients are given the following recommendations:

Also the doctor can recommend a vitamin complex or separately ascorbic acid, vitamin E and group B. The emotional rest of a woman is important. Because she can recommend sedatives. It can be valerian or motherwort infusion. As an anesthetic, they designate "No-shpu". To improve the blood supply of the uterus can write out "Kurantil." You can not drink these drugs yourself on the recommendation of your girlfriends. Any self-medication can harm a baby. All drugs should appoint a doctor. The doctor will monitor therapy with ultrasound and other examinations.

In mild forms, when the hematoma does not pose a special threat to pregnancy, the doctor can only observe it and give general recommendations. In this situation, it can dissolve independently without any consequences. At other degrees, treatment in a hospital may be necessary. It is important to know how the hematoma goes during pregnancy. The emptying of the clot can be judged by the presence of precipitates. But you need to pay attention to their character. The fact that the clot resorbed is indicated by brown discharge in small amounts. They are coagulated blood filling the hematoma. Their presence is considered a favorable sign. Sometimes the process is accompanied by a drawing pain in the abdomen. Scarlet blood from the genital tract is an alarming sign and an urgent reason to see a doctor, as this may indicate a worsening of the situation. The exact answer to the question of how long the hematoma goes during pregnancy is not. Since it depends on its size, as well as the characteristics of a woman's health. Approximate terms are from 2 to 5 weeks.