How to style curly hair?

Curly hair, as a rule, causes a lot of inconvenience to its owners, since they often very strongly shake and, literally, stick out in different directions, which makes it impossible to create many linings. Today we will tell you how to put curly hair lightly and quickly.

How to put curly long hair?

Long curly hair, often, does not require any special piling, because they look attractive and in themselves. Owners of such hair just need to learn how to style curly hair, following simple instructions:

  1. On a little dried wet clean hair you need to apply a special mousse or foam, designed to "tame" it curly hair.
  2. Next, you need to dry your hair, trying to direct the flow of air from top to bottom, as if "smoothing" your hair, so that later the hair will not crumble.
  3. The final stage of the sequence of actions, allowing once and for all to learn how to beautifully style curly hair, is applying a varnish of light or medium degree of fixation in a very small amount.

How to put curly short hair?

To style curly hair of a short length, follow the same instructions as when laying long hair, however, you can use a variety of hairdryer attachments to create a "creative mess" on your head and make other unusual hairstyles. It is important to take into account the fact that styling means for a stronger degree of fixing are required to fix the placement on short curly hair.

Understanding how to style curly hair, you can easily create haircuts based on your own tastes and preferences, which will allow you to look stylish and attractive in any situation.