How to dissolve the stagnation of milk?

Lactostasis is a common problem during breastfeeding. In addition, the banal stagnation of milk in the gland can lead to the development of acute mastitis and even an abscess. And such conditions require serious intervention and drug therapy. Therefore, how to separate the stagnation of milk, every woman should know.

Control of lactostasis

The causes of lactostasis can be many. However, the methods and procedures for how to remove breast milk stagnation are not different.

We will analyze how to properly dissolve the stagnation of milk, and what nuances can be during manipulation.

You can express breastmilk using special breast pumps or manually. It is easiest to express the milk after a preliminary reflex stimulation of the release of oxytocin. For this, it is necessary to attach the baby to the breast or express milk immediately after feeding. It is important to remember that during feeding it is necessary that the area of ​​stagnation be located under the lower jaw of the baby. Thus, the outflow will be improved from the seal area.

Breast pumps are divided into electrical and mechanical. With the help of electric breast pumps, milk can be expressed faster. But the main disadvantage is that such manipulation can be painful, injure the gland and even leave behind bruises on the mammary glands. It is important to remember that if there are cracks and other damages on the nipples, breast pumps should be used contraindicated.

Technique of manual expression of milk

So, below are the main stages of how to remove the stagnation of milk in the gland:

  1. It is important to relax, take a comfortable pose. Before decanting, you can take a warm bath or shower.
  2. To improve the outflow of milk, massage the mammary gland in the direction of the ducts, that is, to the nipple.
  3. Embrace the area of ​​the areola with the thumb and forefinger. In this case, the thumb is located on the upper border of the areola from above, and the index finger is on the bottom.
  4. Slightly tighten the fingers, pushing them back, towards the body.
  5. Make your fingers move forward. Thus, a trickle of milk appears.
  6. Decant until the breast becomes soft and there is no feeling of heaviness.
  7. The position of the fingers is periodically changed for better emptying of the mammary gland.

After it was possible to stretch the stagnation of milk in one gland, proceed to emptying the second. Of course, you can separate the two glands at the same time, but this is quite inconvenient and requires appropriate skills.