How to call Bloody Mary?

To date, there are many legends that are associated with the advent of Bloody Mary, but they all boil down to the fact that this lady is dangerous and cruel. The roots of history originate in England, where such a nickname was given to Mary Worth, who killed her own children.

Who is Bloody Mary?

At the moment, there is no known true origin of this ghost, so many have their original explanation associated with terrible events. A horror story about Bloody Mary became especially popular in the USA, where the legend found its interpretation. Children were frightened by the story of an old woman practicing magic . Soon girls began to disappear in the village, and Mary became younger. As a result, the residents found out that it was she who killed the children and burned her at the stake. Before death, the witch sent a curse, according to which, if people say her name in front of a mirror, they will die.

Another English legend says that Bloody Mary is Queen of England Maria I Tudor, distinguished by cruelty. During the years of her reign, a large number of people were slaughtered and killed. Many were confident that she used the blood of girls for her own rejuvenation.

A large number of horror films were shot based on similar legends. Some directors offered their own options, which made it possible to attract a huge number of people to the Bloody Mary person. To date, the challenge of various ghosts is a certain game for teenagers. It helps to get rid of various fears.

How to call Bloody Mary?

Before deciding on a ritual, think carefully about whether you need this, since any magic should be treated with full responsibility. It is important to have a means of protection to drive away the spirit. In the case of a bloody Mary, it is best to choose a fire, a poet, before a ritual, light a few candles in the room. For protection, you can use prayer.

The Bloody Mary is summoned by a mirror. For the ritual, visualization is very important. Do not tear your eyes from the mirror, say 3 times slowly:

"I believe in Bloody Mary!"

After that, close your eyes and clearly imagine the image of an evil woman. To increase the effect, you can say a few more times, without opening your eyes, to pronounce the above phrase. Then open your eyes and peer into the mirror, there must appear a reflection of Mary. She will stand behind the defender, but turn around, in no case it is impossible.

How else can you call Bloody Mary in the afternoon?

For this ritual, you need to have a candle, a mirror, and also need the help of another person. Go to the bathroom, turn on the water, because according to some legends, it was this sound that Mary heard last before death. With one hand, touch the mirror, and the other grasp the assistant. Slowly say the following words:

"Bloody Mary, come!"

Repeat the phrase at least 3 times, but better. In some cases, the number can go up to 30. If everything is done correctly, then the image of Mary should appear in the mirror. When fear reaches its peak, the ritual is better to stop. To protect yourself from the negative influence of the spirit, it is recommended that at the first pronunciation of the spell you draw a pictogram on the glass and on your own cheek. This will not allow Mary to get out of the mirror. It is not recommended to wash off the pattern for 3 days, since during this period the spirit can escape from the looking glass. It is believed that the ghost of Bloody Mary can scratch and bring a person of various kinds of injury. Another caller can go insane. If Mary is not in the spirit or if something is done wrong, she can drag a person with her and even kill her.