The Wolf's Hall

The Wolf's Hall is the eighth in the Svarog Circle. It lasts from February 25 until March 22. His patron is the god Veles , who was the guard of the gate, opening roads to other worlds. Next to him were always wolves, who did not let anyone in to the gate. They possessed enormous power and frightened others with one's appearance.

Characteristics of the Hall of the Wolf

People born in this period, all their lives are in a certain search, and this applies to any sphere. They believe that the most important goal in their life is to learn the essence of all surrounding things and people. The most forces in search of truth go to the love sphere. It is worth noting that people who are protected by the Wolf's Hall, lack the instinct of self-preservation.

During this period, many travelers, explorers and pioneers were born. People from the Hall of the Wolf to others are treated with suspicion, so they easily recognize enemies and envious persons. They are not afraid of anything and therefore can safely go against the crowd. The person to whom this Hall is patronizing, basically solves its problems on its own. It is important to note that he has a constant desire to check everything on himself and not trust anyone. That is why even the ancient Slavs believed that next to such people there must be another person who will control their action. Interestingly, many "Wolves" in life became employees of special services.

The meaning of the amulet "The Hall of the Wolf"

The ancient Slavs had many different amulets, which had a special energy and helped in different situations. Thanks to them, a person gained confidence in himself and his powers, and he could count on the help of the gods. Slavs believed that the amulet gives its owner courage and fearlessness. A person has a desire at any cost to fight for justice, which sometimes even leads to an imposition and dictatorship. Thanks to the amulet "The Hall of the Wolf" a person can show his individuality and will. That is why it is recommended to have firstly weak people, who often suffer from extraneous influence.

For people who have chosen for themselves such an amulet, the source of strength will be poplar - the favorite tree of Veles. To get a charge of energy, it is enough just to touch the trunk and stand for a while nearby, which will make you feel cheerful and improve your mood. That is why the amulet was often made from poplar, which only increased its effect. Basically it was worn as a pendant around the neck. Today, the Slavic mascot "Chertok Volka" is made not only from wood, but also from metal: silver, gold and bronze.

It is important to consider that with prolonged contact, the amulet can adversely affect the person, and he will become permanently experiment to try everything on your own skin. The Slavs noticed that if they wear a talisman for a long time, then the person becomes uncontrollable. In some cases, with constant contact with the symbol, there was a desire for knowledge, so at one time amulets were made especially for people who wanted to devote their lives to science. His healers, healers and even the wise men used it regularly. Another negative point that can arise with prolonged use of the amulet - there is a fence from others, in general, the owner will deliberately strive for loneliness. The thing is that from nowhere, there is an excessive alertness towards all people. We can say that the tattoo and the guard "The Wolf's Hall" has a dual meaning, that is, it can reveal both positive and negative features.