Anus whitening

Five to ten years ago, it never occurred to anyone that the cosmetic services market would have such procedure as whitening the anus. When the piercing, tattoos and informal appearance have already ceased to amaze the public, the representatives of the elite have an acute need for something new, which will make it possible to stand out among the crowd. Anus whitening has become a novelty that allows certain circles of society to emphasize their individuality and uniqueness.

Anus whitening is a complex cosmetic procedure. In the vastness of our homeland, there are practically no specialists who can confidently take up this matter and guarantee a good result. Whitening of this intimate place is held in cosmetic centers in Western Europe and the USA. Abroad, the procedure for bleaching the anus is performed qualitatively, therefore, those who wish to bleach the anus should not save, but go abroad.

Anus whitening consists in the complete removal of all vegetation around the anus and complete cleansing of the skin in this place. From the skin all dead cells are removed, and the epidermis is polished. As a result, the client receives absolutely light and smooth skin in the anal area. The procedure is performed under anesthesia in one session. Anus bleaching is performed with the help of special cosmetic products - lotions and gels, the active substance in which is hydroquinone. This substance allows you to quickly and effectively remove virtually any pigmentation on the human body. In order to consolidate the effect and keep your anus in the form that it happens in newborns, the client will need to perform certain recommendations of the cosmetologist for quite some time. The anal opening will need to be treated with special creams, and also avoid even the shortest exposure of ultraviolet rays to the bleached zone. Even a few minutes spent in the sun, can completely erase the entire labor of foreign beauticians, that at the moment will return the anus its habitual appearance.

Valery Leontiev became one of our first compatriots who decided to perform an operation on whitening the anus. This step of the national artist made a lot of noise in his time. Valery chose an elite private clinic in Miami for the operation. After it, many well-known domestic representatives of show business became clients of this medical institution. The desire to maximally stand out and emphasize his belonging to the highest circles of society, has made the whitening of the anus a popular procedure among movie stars and "golden youth".

Whitening the anus makes it possible to hide the fact that a person is coping with his natural need, and this emphasizes his peculiarity. The absence of a dark spot around the anus allows you to show off even in the most outspoken outfits and not feel constrained.

Anus whitening is an expensive pleasure. The procedure itself will cost the client 1,000-2,000 dollars. But in addition to this money, you will have to pay a lot for staying in the clinic and flight. After the operation, it will be necessary to visit the beautician several times and adhere to all the recommendations that he will appoint.

The procedure for bleaching the anus can be carried out at home. Some Manufacturers of cosmetics offer a special cream and lotions for whitening anus at home. Typically, these tools are aimed at combating any pigmentation spots. Anus whitening at home can make the stain around the anus clearer, but it's impossible to completely get rid of it with the help of a cream.

Before deciding on this particular procedure, it is necessary to weigh well the pros and cons. Life before and after whitening the anus can be drastically different. Long unpleasant sensations, individual daily routine, rejection of many habits - all this awaits everyone who decided on this difficult procedure.