Why do men flirt?

Every day you hear compliments from the stronger sex, catch their admiring looks. Moreover, some daredevils will certainly try to provide signs of attention. Of course, any woman is pleased, but did you ever think about the nature of why men flirt with us? If to us, girls, this raises self-esteem and confirms its own attractiveness, then what's the point of flirting for the guys?

What does it mean to flirt or flirt psychology?

Flirtation is a form of communication. This is nothing more than a way to enjoy and it's not about sexual pleasure. In other words, with the help of words, facial expressions, gestures, the person who flirts, thus achieves moral stroking. If we talk in more detail about the latter concept, then it is about satisfying the needs of man. As the well-known psychologist Eric Berne writes in his book "Games in which people play," each of us wants to receive attention and warmth from other people, and besides, we ourselves sometimes have a strong desire to give someone their tenderness, care and such "stroking" is vitally necessary for every person. Returning to the topic of the nature of flirting, we get that this is a specific communication, a delicate game that can bring mental pleasure to both partners.

It is important to note that flirting is not an attempt at manipulation, in this case by men, it is not possible to drag a woman into bed. If so, then we are dealing with a pickup truck, and this is a completely different matter.

Why do men flirt with others?

What can I say, but many ladies want to understand the male flirt. As soon as the guy tries to establish eye contact with you, winks at you, smiles, therefore, he tries to flirt. The most interesting thing is that during flirting, all young men pursue the same goal.

So, many men, even married, do not just like it, they love, they adore flirting with everyone. They tend to show their talents, intelligence, charisma and, of course, charm in the course of all communication with the girl. Moreover, after the establishment of visual contact, such communication passes into casual touches. Thus, young people try to show their interest in you. For men, flirting is kind of a game, a male wants to get the attention of a female. He is interested in maintaining contact with a woman as long as for him it is a half-closed book full of mysteries and secrets.

However, if you dig deeper, we learn that the usual habit of flirting with all women around is the desire to fill the inner void, to increase their self-esteem. But this way to solve men's problems is initially a losing one. Only by solving their problems, by correctly arranging the chain of achievement of the conceived, a man can become a self-sufficient person, financially and socially successful, confident in himself and his goals.

What if the husband flirts with others?

How to preserve family happiness, previous feelings for the spouse, when you not only know, but you also see with your own eyes how the blessed one flirts with others. In such cases it is important to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. The success of the relationship, in the first place, depends on the female behavior, and therefore it is not necessary to arrange scandals for the beloved and make his enemy out of it.
  2. Do not forget that behind a strong man is a loving wife. Try to understand what his negative sides he is trying to correct through flirting with others.
  3. And, maybe, you stopped taking care of yourself? Every day you meet him from work in one and the same and have not changed the style of your hair for a long time? Think about it.