
Strangely enough, but if most of the young people ask what "chastity" is, many will describe it as some kind of outdated phenomenon, not at all relevant in the present. But, to speak frankly, there is nothing more sexual than to be pure spiritually, preserving chastity.

Speaking in general, chastity is a wise attitude to life, the integrity of actions, thoughts, inner purity, the priority of eternal, higher goals over instant, perishable pleasures.

Not necessarily chaste girls should wear a skirt to the floor. After all, chastity is a vital attitude both to oneself and to others.

Undoubtedly, such girls are especially attracted to men. No wonder the forbidden fruit is sweet. And to create a family, for a serious relationship, they are looking for exactly such personalities. No one will refuse a wise wife.

The meaning of the word "chastity"

Historically, this word is used in various meanings, despite the close connection with the religious tradition. So, often chastity means virginity, self-control, moral rigor.

The vow of chastity

It is known that chastity is the moral norm for all who profess Christianity. The vow of chastity is performed with tonsure. It consists not only in preserving the virginity of the body, but also preserving the purity of the spirit, thoughts and thinking. After all, sinful thoughts are interrelated. It is only for a person to condemn someone, how unexpectedly he can be possessed by the desire of sinful passion. For religious reasons, the vow of chastity is also called celibacy. Celibacy is accepted by all those who decided to devote their lives to the service of God.

Chastity Belt

In the history of mankind there is this concept, which is a kind of device that locked the woman from the male assault. It appeared in ancient Greece. The victims of this device were wearing a "chastity belt" in order to save her from an unwanted pregnancy. After bearing a child, slaves could not work, and this did not benefit slave owners. So the leather belt consisted of two parts: the first band embraced the female waist, the second one, in turn, passed between her legs. Widely used such devices during the Middle Ages.

The leather belt was nothing more than a true instrument of torture. After all, this cumbersome construction consisted of a large number of locks that covered the entire lower part of the woman. It provided for a small opening to meet natural needs. On personal hygiene and not worth talking about.

One single key from such a belt was kept about the spouse.

Chastity and temptation are opposite concepts. And in the modern world, despite the wide spread of the latter, the first is highly valued.

So, it will not be superfluous to note that Caucasian chastity is almost the main factor in choosing a future wife. After all, chastity and purity preserve the honor and dignity of every kind to this day. Nobody burns with a desire to tarnish history with a kind of "dirty marriage". This suggests that the preservation of chastity before marriage is an important tradition among the Caucasian peoples. And so the girls of the Caucasus keep holy purity for their future chosen one, unlike most of today's youth, which means chastity, its preservation should be brought up from childhood.

It is worth noting that in the present, such a concept as male chastity is common. These are men who can be quite successful in life, but who are obsessed with achieving high goals, not allowing themselves to score a minute's pleasure.

So, at the moment chastity is relevant. It has always been valued, and will be valued much more than promiscuity, accessibility. After all, a chaste person respects and loves himself, which means that others will also treat him.