The most beautiful flower in the world

The surrounding world is incredibly beautiful. Especially admirable are such creatures nature as flowers. They are able to cheer up, for a moment help to feel happy. Contemplating the fleeting beauty of flowers, we at least temporarily forget about troubles and sorrows, we accept the injustice of the world around us. These creatures of nature decorate even a hut with their presence. There are a lot of flowers, and everyone has their own admirers among people. However, mankind has for centuries formed stable preferences among flowering plants that have conquered with their extraordinary beauty. So, we will tell you about the 10 most beautiful flowers, among which settled both indoor and garden plants.


Orchids are not without reason considered the most beautiful flower on the planet. They have a great many species. Fragile and at the same time wonderful, with a fine delicate aroma - there is hardly a person in the world who could not admire orchids. Flowering of orchids is extremely diverse: gentle petals vary with all the colors of the rainbow with various inclusions, spots, stripes, transitions. The flower has long been attributed witchcraft properties, but it still looks extremely marvelous, clean and refined.

2. Cannes

The genus of this plant has about 50 representatives. The birthplace of the flower is considered South and Central America. Currently, canna is popular in Europe, it can easily be called one of the most beautiful garden flowers. Its brightness and unusualness affects large flowers of canna oval-oblong or elliptical shape with a diameter of 8 cm. The color of the buds is diverse: white, pink, yellow, red-orange with dots, stripes.

3. Strelitzia

This exotic plant is famous and loved by gardeners because of its unusual shape. This is evidenced by the second name of the most beautiful flower - a bird of paradise. The petals of Strezil are arranged in such order that they resemble the bright plumage of a tropical bird. A magnificent flower in the wild grows in the southern regions of Africa. At us he meets on a window sill or in the cut off kind. You can safely refer the bird of paradise to the most beautiful indoor flowers.

4. Calla

Speaking of what the most beautiful flowers, you can not fail to mention the calle - a simple and elegant plant that comes from the marshes of South Africa. His flower looks like a covering sheet, wrapped around the inflorescence-cob. Yes, and the smell of calla is gentle and pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla.

5. The redhead is red

Our top most beautiful flowers are complemented by the rarest plant - the reddish middlemyst. Unfortunately, in the world there are all two representatives of this beautiful flower: in the garden of New Zealand and in the greenhouse of Great Britain. A magnificent middlemist from China, where he was completely destroyed.

6. The Dicenter

This herb was listed among the most beautiful flowers in the world thanks to the original form of flowering. His flowers look like a heart split in half, for which we have been nicknamed the dicentre with a broken heart.

7. Hydrangea

Airiness and lightness arise when you look at the front garden, where the hydrangea blooms. This shrub will be an ornament of any garden, because it creates a fabulous mood. Its large inflorescences are white, pink, purple and blue.

8. Sakura

An indelible symbol of Japan for many centuries remain delicate cherry blossoms . Their fragile beauty in white and pink tones pleases the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun for very little - about a week. Sakura in the world is also called Cherry Blossom.

9. Hyacinth

Many gardeners will gladly call hyacinth the most beautiful flower in the world. Since early spring, its long flower spike is crowned with a scattering of small bells of white, blue, pink and purple hues with a strong aroma.

10. Lanthanum

Our list of the most beautiful flowers on the planet is completed by lanthanum - the genus of the vervain family, originated from the tropical regions of Africa and South America. The shrub is famous for its globular inflorescences, the color of which varies during flowering from pale yellow to cherry-purple.