Round Carpets

Whatever it was, but modern designers with pleasure use carpets to give this or that room a special atmosphere of comfort. Moreover, it should be noted that more and more often non-classical rectangular or square carpets are used, and carpets are round or oval. It is on the round carpets that we will focus attention. And in view of the fact that the modern design of the premises does not welcome the placement of carpets on the walls, as was customary not so long ago, it will be a question of round carpets on the floor.

Round carpets in the interior

Carpets of this form will harmoniously fit into the interior of almost any room, giving it special appeal, unusual and fresh. In a spacious living room, a large round carpet will look good. In this case, it becomes the semantic center of the room, as if uniting all those in it. Another option for placing a round carpet in the living room is quite acceptable: allocating only one, a certain zone in the room. Spread out, for example, such a carpet near the sofa or next to the chair and coffee table, you thereby determine the rest area.

It will be good to look round the carpet and in the kitchen, especially if it is placed under a round dining table. In this case, you should take care of the practicality of the carpet in the sense of the possibility of cleaning it or even washing it.

For children, a round carpet with a thematic pattern (for example, flowers will resemble a flower clearing in the room for a girl, and a carpet - a soccer ball that fits perfectly into the interior of the boy's room) will become a certain semantic accent and a convenient place for games. But, children's round carpet is better to choose tight and synthetic fiber (be sure to ask for a certificate of compliance!), But not wool to avoid allergies.

Practical are round carpets of small size and in the bedroom - they will be comfortable as a bedside mat. In this case, natural, for example, wool carpets, including round ones, are preferred. It's nice to wake up in the morning, put your bare feet on a soft carpet, be it round or any other! With a special charm in the bedroom, decorated in milky-white or gentle pastel colors, a round white long-carpet will look.

White, but already low-end carpet, by the way, will perfectly fit into some modern monochrome interiors - loft, high-tech and others. But a round beige carpet will suit any interior decorated in beige and brown colors.

Even in the hallway will be appropriate to a small round carpet, rather - a rug. This form of carpet in conditions, as a rule, long and narrow hallways even contribute to some visual expansion of space.