What to feed the guppies?

Guppies are rather unpretentious fish. They are omnivorous and unpretentious, and even able to withstand a week-long hunger strike. But it is unlikely that in such conditions, the fish will be happy with their appearance. To obtain a bright color and healthy offspring of a guppy, a balanced diet is even more important than the correct temperature and light regime.

What is the best way to feed the guppies?

The basis of the diet of guppies should be useful and high-calorie live food. The most popular living organisms for feeding fish are:

In addition, guppies need to periodically feed vegetable feed. It can be leaves of lettuce, parsley, spinach or sea kale. Greens should be dried, and before feeding scalded boiling water.

Sometimes, as an exception, fish can be fed with dry food . But this is often not recommended because of the risk of the disease.

How many times does it take to feed the guppies?

The frequency of feeding guppy fish depends on their age. So the smallest fish, up to six months, it is desirable to feed at least three times a day. For two-time feeding, you can go after the separation of fish by sex. And after four months it is enough to feed them once a day.

How and what to feed the guppy fry?

From how the guppy fry feed in the first 3-5 days of their life depends on what they will become in adulthood. Therefore, fry should receive proper nutrition. The most suitable food for them is live dust, which contains the necessary vitamins. Dry food can be added to the diet at least once a week. At the same time in the first days of life in the aquarium in fry, the food must be constantly present.