Parsley for the face

Parsley, which is a storehouse of useful substances, is very popular in dietary nutrition and is in demand in cosmetology. Parsley has long been used to improve the condition of the skin of the face. Means based on the leaves and roots of the plant:

No less useful is the decoction of parsley for the hair. It strengthens the hair and gives the hair a healthy shine.

Decoction of parsley for the face

The simplest healing agent based on parsley is a decoction:

  1. 50 g of fresh or dry parsley leaves are ground and poured into two glasses of water.
  2. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, at the end filter.

It is easy to prepare and infusion of a useful plant. For this:

  1. 1 tablespoon of greens pour 200 ml of steep boiling water and cover with a lid.
  2. Cooled liquid is filtered through gauze.

To give the skin the desired elasticity, remove red spots and eliminate the circles under the eyes, from infusion or decoction of parsley make ice to wipe the face. Cosmetologists recommend wiping the skin with ice cubes several times a day.

Alternatively, you can use lotions with parsley:

  1. Finely chopped parsley is placed in gauze pouches and briefly immersed in boiling water.
  2. Cooled bags are put on eyes or inflamed places on the face.

Lotion for face from parsley

Excess pigmentation is a problem for women of any age. Young girls are unhappy with their appearance due to freckles, young mothers upset the dark specks on the face and back, and the ladies in the age of suffering because of noticeable pigment rashes on the entire surface of the body. It will be useful for all women to learn how to whiten face and body with parsley.

A remarkable effect gives the face whitening with parsley, infused with vodka. And when preparing tinctures of parsley for the face, the whole plant (leaves, stems and rootlets) is used. In another prescription lotion:

  1. Parsley is advised to pour a glass of filtered water (or mineral water).
  2. Withstand for half an hour in a water bath.
  3. In a strained infusion pour 50 g of dry white wine.
  4. The prepared cosmetic product should be stored in a cool, sheltered place from the sun, and use it daily.

Mask of parsley for the face

The recipes for facial masks based on parsley are great. Determining the composition of the mask, you need to consider the type of your skin.

Oily skin

With oily skin of the face, parsley masks with any fermented milk (kefir, ryazhenka or yogurt) are the most suitable. Perfectly removes greasy shine and tightens the skin mask of 2 tablespoons of parsley juice and the same amount of rowan juice. In the composition, add a tablespoon of vodka and lemon juice.

Dry skin

The mask of sour cream and parsley refreshes, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. When dry face skin is also useful mask of parsley with egg yolk and olive oil.

Sensitive skin

For delicate, sensitive skin, the mask, from equal parsley, sage and rose petals, best suits the best. The mixture is poured with a small amount of boiling water. After the composition has cooled, the liquid herbal slurry is applied directly to the face.

Withering skin

Fresh green parsley and dill crushed in a blender, pour boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. The composition is spread over gauze, and the cloth mask is applied to the face.

Problem Skin

Acne rashes and inflammation of the skin quickly eliminates the mask from the ground in the blender parsley roots, egg whites and 2-3 drops of garlic juice.

Any mask is washed off with warm water, after which it is necessary to wash with cool water.